ZSKA Moskau Russia


Coaching staff

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Contract until Last club was a player
Maksim Zinovyev Maksim Zinovyev
44 21.10.2022 ? - -
Timur Shypshev Timur Shypshev
Assistant coach
54 ? - -
Sergey Skoblyakov Sergey Skoblyakov
Assistant coach
48 ? - -
Igor Gusev Igor Gusev
Goalkeeping coach
49 23.06.2021 ? - -


Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Contract until Last club was a player
Tetyana Chorna Tetyana Chorna
Athletic supervisor
44 24.01.2020 ? - to player profile

Board of directors

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Contract until Last club was a player
Elena Petunina Elena Petunina
46 24.01.2020 ? - -

Medical department

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Contract until Last club was a player
Igor Sindeev Igor Sindeev
45 ? - -

Public relations

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Contract until Last club was a player
Angelina Kubalova Angelina Kubalova
Press officer
32 ? - -