VV Rassing Harelbeke Belgium


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 10.03.2024.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of VV Rassing Harelbeke in the season 2023/2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Evelyne Libbrecht Evelyne Libbrecht
Goalkeeper, 44 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Davina Callens Davina Callens
Defence, 36 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Malies Cattebeke Malies Cattebeke
Defence, 31 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Brenda Vandoorne Brenda Vandoorne
Defence, 31 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Sharon Vervaeke Sharon Vervaeke
Defence, 35 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Sofie Lefebvre Sofie Lefebvre
Midfield, 40 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Catherine de Baere Catherine de Baere
Midfield, 41 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
An de Meester An de Meester
Midfield, 40 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Stefanie Houwen Stefanie Houwen
Midfield, 41 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Caroline Leroy Caroline Leroy
Midfield, 39 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Alix Wierinck Alix Wierinck
Midfield, 32 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke
Sielke van Royen Sielke van Royen
Striker, 33 years
Belgium VV Rassing Harelbeke