SPG SCR Altach/FFC Vorderland (-2024) Austria - Vorarlberger Fußballverband

 AKA Vorarlberg - FFC Vorderland (-2024)   

Choose home stadium:

CASHPOINT Arena Altach
CASHPOINT Arena Altach

Stadium name: CASHPOINT Arena Altach
Total capacity: 8.500
Seats: 4.400
 - Number that are covered: 4.400
Standing room: 4.100
 - Number that are covered: 4.100
Built in: 1989
Last reconstruction: 2018
Size of field: 105 x 68
Undersoil heating: yes
Track: no
CASHPOINT Arena Altach
 Im Schnabelholz 1
 6844 Altach

Ticket centre information

Name rights
Name rights assigned by: CASHPOINT
Revenue per season: 0 €