Grand Calais Pascal FC France


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2024.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Grand Calais Pascal FC in the season 2023/2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Mary Innebeer Mary Innebeer
Goalkeeper, 22 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Lucie Clabaux Lucie Clabaux
Goalkeeper, 22 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Ludivine Willems Ludivine Willems
Defence, 27 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Claire Dupont Claire Dupont
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Jennifer Hecquet Jennifer Hecquet
Defence, 21 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Manon Pines Manon Pines
Defence, 30 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Chloé Vanhersecke Chloé Vanhersecke
Defence, 23 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Tissiana Dominel Tissiana Dominel
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Léa Buy Léa Buy
Midfield, 24 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Coralie Lenot Coralie Lenot
Striker, 35 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Lisa Fragoli Lisa Fragoli
Striker, 25 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC
Marjorie Ranson Marjorie Ranson
Striker, 31 years
France Grand Calais Pascal FC