FFC Vorderland 1c Austria - Vorarlberger Fußballverband

 FFC Vorderland 1b   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2024.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FFC Vorderland 1c in the season 2023/2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sabrina Gstach Sabrina Gstach
Defence, 28 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Laura Baliko Laura Baliko
Defence, 28 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Selina Gmeiner Selina Gmeiner
Defence, 24 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Jasmine Kirchmann Jasmine Kirchmann
Defence (IV), 33 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Laura Petrić Laura Petrić
Defence, 24 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Veronika Vonbrül Veronika Vonbrül
Defence, 29 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Jacqueline Vonbrül Jacqueline Vonbrül
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Melanie Pomberger Melanie Pomberger
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Jessica Raffl Jessica Raffl
Striker, 29 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Laura Decker Laura Decker
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c