FC Zürich U21 (-2024) Switzerland - Fussballverband Region Zürich


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 13.03.2022.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Zürich U21 (-2024) in the season 2021/2022

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sara Ziegler Sara Ziegler
Goalkeeper (TW), 14 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U18
Noemi Benz Noemi Benz
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Kim Bollmann Kim Bollmann
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Switzerland FC St. Gallen 1879
Anouk Klaus Anouk Klaus
Defence, 16 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Luana Bürge Luana Bürge
Defence, 16 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Soraya Wulff Soraya Wulff
Defence, 18 years
FC Uster
Luisa Süry Luisa Süry
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Regina Hacker Regina Hacker
Defence, 19 years
Switzerland FC Wil 1900
Alena Markovic Alena Markovic
Defence, 20 years
Switzerland FC Rapperswil-Jona
Sarah Frischknecht Sarah Frischknecht
Defence (RV), 17 years
Switzerland FC Rapperswil-Jona
Jenny Steinmann Jenny Steinmann
Defence, 19 years
Switzerland FC Rapperswil-Jona
Siv Schefer Siv Schefer
Defence, 17 years
FC St. Gallen 1879
Samantha Campanello Samantha Campanello
Defence, 20 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Viola Avduli Viola Avduli
Defence (IV), 22 years
FC Aarau Frauen
Désirée Meyer Désirée Meyer
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Anna Matsushita Anna Matsushita
Midfield, 17 years
FC Zürich
Monika Ibishaj Monika Ibishaj
Midfield, 16 years
FC Zürich
Joy Lysser Joy Lysser
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Lesley Ramseier Lesley Ramseier
Midfield (ZM), 24 years
Switzerland FC Oerlikon/Polizei ZH
Sabina Di Muro Sabina Di Muro
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Lugano
Lara Meroni Lara Meroni
Midfield (LA), 18 years
Switzerland 1. FC Nürnberg
Annina Enz Annina Enz
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Raika Toper Raika Toper
Midfield, 34 years
FC Winterthur
Lydia Andrade Lydia Andrade
Striker, 23 years
RB Leipzig
Fjona Gashi Fjona Gashi
Striker, 17 years
Leela Egli Leela Egli
Striker, 15 years
Switzerland SC Freiburg
Sarina Heeb Sarina Heeb
Striker, 19 years
Switzerland FC Thy Thisted Q
Chiara Rauso Chiara Rauso
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Martina Cavar Martina Cavar
Striker, 18 years
FC Zürich
Lillian Schertenleib Lillian Schertenleib
Striker, 17 years
FC Wädenswil
Antigona Kuqi Antigona Kuqi
Striker, 24 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Alketa Rama Alketa Rama
Striker, 18 years
FC Zürich
Sanja Kovačević Sanja Kovačević
Striker, 18 years
FC Zürich
Argnesa Rexhepi Argnesa Rexhepi
Striker, 21 years
FC Rapperswil-Jona

Foreign players: 4 (11,8 %)

Nationalliga B 2021/2022

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland 18 46 54
- FC Rapperswil-Jona 18 39 17
- FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 18 35 25
- FC Solothurn Frauen 18 24 -1
- FC Oerlikon/Polizei ZH 18 23 -1

Other 2021/2022

Top 3 Goal scorers
Antigona Kuqi Antigona Kuqi
Striker, 27 years
7 Goals
Argnesa Rexhepi Argnesa Rexhepi
Striker, 24 years
6 Goals
Alketa Rama Alketa Rama
Striker, 21 years
5 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2021/2022

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2021/2022

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga B - 1. Match day
21.08.21 - 18:00
FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 2:0
FC Winterthur
FC Zürich U21 (-2024)   FC Winterthur

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Konstantinos Vettas Konstantinos Vettas
Coach, 56 years
53 01.07.2019 25.03.2024 vereinslos -
Theodoros Karapetsas Theodoros Karapetsas
Assistant coach, 34 years
31 01.07.2019 30.06.2022 FC Basel 1893 -