FC Zürich U21 (-2024) Switzerland - Fussballverband Region Zürich


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 26.03.2024.

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Squad of FC Zürich U21 (-2024) in the season 2023/2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Ramona Erismann Ramona Erismann
Goalkeeper, 18 years
Switzerland FC Effretikon
Cheyenne Voit Cheyenne Voit
Goalkeeper, 23 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Lourdes Romero Lourdes Romero
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
SK Sturm Graz
Vivian Kaspar Vivian Kaspar
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Sara Ziegler Sara Ziegler
Goalkeeper (TW), 16 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U18
Luana Bürge Luana Bürge
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Larissa Uetz Larissa Uetz
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Riana Brändle Riana Brändle
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Lynn von Euw Lynn von Euw
Defence, 15 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U18
Eriona Elezi Eriona Elezi
Defence, 19 years
FC Zürich U20
Anouk Klaus Anouk Klaus
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Viola Avduli Viola Avduli
Defence (IV), 24 years
FC Aarau Frauen
Simona Caviezel Simona Caviezel
Defence, 19 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Soraya Wulff Soraya Wulff
Defence, 20 years
FC Uster
Samantha Campanello Samantha Campanello
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Nicole Hernandez Fernandez Nicole Hernandez Fernandez
Defence, 17 years
Spain FC Zürich U20
Kim La Bella Kim La Bella
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Désirée Meyer Désirée Meyer
Defence -, 23 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Sabina Di Muro Sabina Di Muro
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Lugano
Tuana Sertbaş Tuana Sertbaş
Midfield, 17 years
FC Zürich U20
Joy Lysser Joy Lysser
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Yevheniia Bielova Yevheniia Bielova
Midfield, 16 years
Ukraine FC Zürich U20
Valentina Dreussi Valentina Dreussi
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Aarau Frauen U20
Monika Ibishaj Monika Ibishaj
Midfield, 18 years
FC Zürich
Amelie Schuster Amelie Schuster
Midfield (ZM), 20 years
Germany FC Zürich
Mina Bodnar Mina Bodnar
Midfield, 17 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Raika Toper Raika Toper
Midfield, 36 years
FC Winterthur
Ella Bösiger Ella Bösiger
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Angelina Isufi Angelina Isufi
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Rapperswil-Jona
Julie Gartmann Julie Gartmann
Midfield, 17 years
Switzerland FC Aarau Frauen
Deborah Cavaliere Deborah Cavaliere
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Rahel Hinder Rahel Hinder
Striker, 16 years
Switzerland FC Zürich
Alissia Piperata Alissia Piperata
Striker, 23 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Borbála Vincze Borbála Vincze
Striker, 16 years
Hungary FC Zürich
Sanja Kovačević Sanja Kovačević
Striker, 20 years
FC Zürich
Martina Cavar Martina Cavar
Striker, 20 years
FC Zürich
Patricia Raschle Patricia Raschle
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland FC Wil 1900
Amanda Sigrist Amanda Sigrist
Striker, 17 years
Switzerland FC Zürich U20
Fjona Gashi Fjona Gashi
Striker, 19 years
Lena Kägi Lena Kägi
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland FC Stäfa
Yves Heim Yves Heim
Striker, 19 years
Switzerland FC Aarau Frauen U20
Alketa Rama Alketa Rama
Striker, 20 years
FC Zürich
Antigona Kuqi Antigona Kuqi
Striker, 26 years
Switzerland vereinslos

Foreign players: 10 (23,3 %)

Nationalliga B 2023/2024

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- FC Wil 1900 18 38 19
- FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 18 36 21
- FC Sion 18 35 15
- Yverdon Sport FC 18 33 18
- FC Solothurn Frauen 18 32 11

Other 2023/2024

Top 3 Goal scorers
Rahel Hinder Rahel Hinder
Striker, 17 years
8 Goals
Martina Cavar Martina Cavar
Striker, 21 years
6 Goals
Yves Heim Yves Heim
Striker, 20 years
5 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2023/2024

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2023/2024

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga B - 1. Match day
26.08.23 - 19:00
FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 2:0
FC Winterthur
FC Zürich U21 (-2024)   FC Winterthur

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Konstantinos Vettas Konstantinos Vettas
Coach, 56 years
55 01.07.2019 25.03.2024 vereinslos -
Chiara Bruno Chiara Bruno
Interim coach, 31 years
30 26.03.2024 30.06.2024 FC Winterthur -