FC Fortuna Olten Switzerland


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 01.04.2024.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Fortuna Olten in the season 2023/2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Manuela Segginger Manuela Segginger
Goalkeeper, 33 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Daniela Wehrli Daniela Wehrli
Defence, 35 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Manuela Von Niederhäusern Manuela Von Niederhäusern
Defence, 29 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Gianna St. Aubin Gianna St. Aubin
Defence, 31 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Jasna Dzananovic Jasna Dzananovic
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Adonisa Kadrija Adonisa Kadrija
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Sonja Schwegler Sonja Schwegler
Defence, 30 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Delia Röösli Delia Röösli
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Sonja Schauli Sonja Schauli
Defence, 35 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Nadine von Arx Nadine von Arx
Midfield, 32 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Elin Sveningsson Elin Sveningsson
Midfield, 23 years
Sweden FC Fortuna Olten
Noemi Glanzmann Noemi Glanzmann
Midfield, 32 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Laura Cianci Laura Cianci
Midfield, 35 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Romana Bazan Romana Bazan
Midfield, 28 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten
Yennifer Alvarez Yennifer Alvarez
Midfield, 31 years
Spain FC Fortuna Olten
Melanie Kolic Melanie Kolic
Striker, 32 years
Croatia FC Fortuna Olten
Nadine Andrik Nadine Andrik
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland FC Fortuna Olten

Foreign players: 3 (17,6 %)

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Manuela Segginger Manuela Segginger
Player-Coach, 34 years
33 14.08.2020 - FC Fortuna Olten to player profile