
Africa Women Cup of Nations Qualification

Dazugehörige Wettbewerbe
Africa Women Cup of Nations

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Still competing (1st round 2nd leg)

Nation Squad ø-Age
- Malawi 3 28.0
- Algerien 23 27.0
- Mali 15 27.7
- Senegal 23 27.4
- Gambia 12 25.5
- Kenia 14 22.5
- Tunesien 31 27.1
- Tansania 24 22.4
- Uganda 10 26.3
- Äquatorialguinea 11 24.7
- Ägypten 20 20.1
- Kongo DR 16 26.7
- Namibia 17 14.1
- Gabun 3 27.2
- Südsudan 2 27.9
- Ruanda 3 22.4
- Kap Verde 12 26.8
- Togo 19 26.4
- Botsuana 24 28.4
- Burundi 26 23.6
- Burkina Faso 26 24.8
- Simbabwe 2 32.4