Yverdon Sport FC Switzerland - Association Vaudoise de Football

 Nationalliga B   Auf- und Abstiegsrunde   Schweizer Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 25.03.2020.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Yverdon Sport FC in the season 2019/2020

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Alana Jaquier Alana Jaquier
Goalkeeper, 18 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Blerina Mazreku Blerina Mazreku
Defence, 26 years
Sweden unbekannt
Saffira Guinand Saffira Guinand
Defence, 19 years
Audrey Riat Audrey Riat
Defence (RV) -, 33 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Line Thomann Line Thomann
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Mirjana Pajovic Mirjana Pajovic
Defence (LM), 27 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Elodie Annaheim Elodie Annaheim
Defence, 21 years
Yverdon Sport FC
Morena Tamburini Morena Tamburini
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland pausiert
Valentine Rahm Valentine Rahm
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Aurélie Cazé Aurélie Cazé
Midfield, 33 years
France FC Lausanne-Sport
Celine Rebet Celine Rebet
Midfield (OM), 22 years
France FC Yverdon Féminin II
Emeline von Dach Emeline von Dach
Midfield, 16 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Mathilde Staffoni Mathilde Staffoni
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland pausiert
Qëndresa Krasniqi Qëndresa Krasniqi
Midfield (LA), 25 years
FC Basel 1893
Mégane Djeaid Mégane Djeaid
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Carina Da Costa Vilela Carina Da Costa Vilela
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Mélanie De Brito Mélanie De Brito
Striker, 27 years
France vereinslos
Madeleine Ngono Mani Madeleine Ngono Mani
Striker, 36 years
Cameroon unbekannt
Anse Peeters Anse Peeters
Striker, 17 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Tanja Bodenmann Tanja Bodenmann
Striker, 27 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Zafirah Nkamo Zafirah Nkamo
Striker (MS), 23 years
Switzerland Spezia Women

Foreign players: 7 (33,3 %)

Nationalliga B 2019/2020

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland 14 35 39
- FC Aarau Frauen 15 29 16
- Yverdon Sport FC 15 28 19
- FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 14 25 22
- FC Rapperswil-Jona 14 25 6

Other 2019/2020

Top 3 Goal scorers
Qëndresa Krasniqi Qëndresa Krasniqi
Midfield, 30 years
9 Goals
Tanja Bodenmann Tanja Bodenmann
Striker, 32 years
8 Goals
Madeleine Ngono Mani Madeleine Ngono Mani
Striker, 41 years
6 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2019/2020

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup last 16

Matches 2019/2020

Back Matches Next
Schweizer Cup - 1st round
11.08.19 - 15:15
FC Murten 0:14
Yverdon Sport FC
FC Murten   Yverdon Sport FC

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Admir Bilibani Admir Bilibani
Coach, 45 years
40 01.07.2018 30.06.2020 vereinslos -