Yverdon Sport FC Switzerland - Association Vaudoise de Football

 Nationalliga B   Auf- und Abstiegsrunde   Schweizer Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 24.03.2014.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Yverdon Sport FC in the season 2013/2014

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Claudine Grand Claudine Grand
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Sloane Reumer Sloane Reumer
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Audrey Duclos Audrey Duclos
Defence (RV), 20 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Mirjana Pajovic Mirjana Pajovic
Defence (LM), 21 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Audrey Riat Audrey Riat
Defence (RV), 27 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Joanna Putzeys Joanna Putzeys
Defence (LV), 18 years
Switzerland unbekannt
Cristel Miocevic Cristel Miocevic
Defence, 18 years
FC Renens
Audrey Wuichet Audrey Wuichet
Defence (OM), 18 years
Switzerland unbekannt
Aline Pinferetti Aline Pinferetti
Defence (ZM), 23 years
Switzerland FC Yverdon Féminin II
Smiljana Bartlome Smiljana Bartlome
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland pausiert
Aurelie Fournier Aurelie Fournier
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Printse-Nendaz
Camille Monti Camille Monti
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland unbekannt
Marianne di Pasquale Marianne di Pasquale
Midfield, 20 years
Sandrine Mauron Sandrine Mauron
Midfield (RM), 17 years
Switzerland Servette FC Chênois Féminin
Virginie Clivaz Virginie Clivaz
Midfield (MS), 24 years
Switzerland FC Chamoson
Gwendoline Fai Gwendoline Fai
Midfield (RM), 20 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Cindy Märchy Cindy Märchy
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland FC Pied du Jura
Carolyn Mallaun Carolyn Mallaun
Midfield (ZM), 21 years
Switzerland FC Yverdon Féminin II
Valérie Gillioz Valérie Gillioz
Midfield (ZM), 26 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Noémie Beney Noémie Beney
Midfield (DM), 28 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Justine Carrard Justine Carrard
Striker, 18 years
Switzerland pausiert
Maeva Sarrasin Maeva Sarrasin
Striker (MS), 26 years
Switzerland US Terre Sainte
Céline Lanz Céline Lanz
Striker, 24 years
Switzerland FC La Sionge
Julie Thomazeau Julie Thomazeau
Striker, 20 years
France FC Baar
Maria Aranzazu Sanchez Gonzales Maria Aranzazu Sanchez Gonzales
Striker, 33 years
Spain pausiert

Foreign players: 3 (12,0 %)

Women’s Super League 2013/2014

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- FC Basel 1893 18 38 23
- FC Neunkirch 18 25 -2
- Yverdon Sport FC 18 24 -10
- BSC YB Frauen 18 20 -15
- FC Staad 18 18 -23

Other 2013/2014

Top 3 Goal scorers
Maeva Sarrasin Maeva Sarrasin
Striker, 37 years
6 Goals
Audrey Riat Audrey Riat
Defence, 38 years
6 Goals
Smiljana Bartlome Smiljana Bartlome
Midfield, 36 years
4 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2013/2014

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup quarter-finals

Matches 2013/2014

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga A - Finalrunde - 4. Match day
14.05.14 - 20:00
Yverdon Sport FC 1:0
BSC YB Frauen
Yverdon Sport FC   BSC YB Frauen

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Christian Leuenberger Christian Leuenberger
Coach, ?
- - 30.06.2014 vereinslos -
Jean-Daniel Perroset Jean-Daniel Perroset
Coach, 69 years
58 01.07.2011 31.12.2013 vereinslos -