WFC Pantery Uman Ukraine

 Women’s League   Women’s League Relegation   Ukrainian Women’s Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 11.03.2018.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of WFC Pantery Uman in the season 2017/2018

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Irina Podkuyko Irina Podkuyko
Goalkeeper, 28 years
Ukraine Spielerin löschen
Olga Ryabovil Olga Ryabovil
Goalkeeper (TW), 19 years
Ukraine FC Polisya
Yuliya Posnokhireva Yuliya Posnokhireva
Defence, 23 years
Ukraine unbekannt
Anzhelika Tkachuk Anzhelika Tkachuk
Defence, 15 years
Ukraine vereinslos
Oksana Grytsenok Oksana Grytsenok
Defence, 23 years
Ukraine vereinslos
Vlada Krupnizkaya Vlada Krupnizkaya
Defence, 17 years
Ukraine vereinslos
Liliya Mospan Liliya Mospan
Defence, 17 years
Ukraine vereinslos
Olga Komarova Olga Komarova
Defence, 18 years
Ukraine unbekannt
Lyudmila Kryuchkova Lyudmila Kryuchkova
Defence, 19 years
Ukraine Dnipro-1
Kristina Tatarina Kristina Tatarina
Defence, 18 years
Ukraine unbekannt
Kristyna Pidgorna Kristyna Pidgorna
Midfield, 23 years
Ukraine SeaSters WFC
Irina Rybalkina Irina Rybalkina
Midfield, 18 years
Ukraine WFC Pantery Uman
Olga Melkonyants Olga Melkonyants
Midfield, 33 years
Ukraine unbekannt
Polina Yanchuk Polina Yanchuk
Striker (RA), 16 years
Ukraine FC Vorskla Poltava
Oksana Bylokur Oksana Bylokur
Striker, 17 years
Ukraine WFC Pantery Uman
Viktoria Seremchuk Viktoria Seremchuk
Striker, 18 years
Ukraine Obolon Kyjiw
Anastasia Mazhara Anastasia Mazhara
Striker, 16 years
Ukraine unbekannt
Katerina Tykhonova Katerina Tykhonova
Striker, 18 years
Ukraine FK Chernomorets


Women’s League 2017/2018

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Yatran - Berestivets 18 34 11
- Ednist - SHVSM 18 21 -11
- WFC Pantery Uman 18 20 -7
- Dnipro-1 18 19 -40
- FC Ladomyr 18 18 -21

Transfer balance sheet 2017/2018

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2017/2018

Back Matches Next
Women’s League - 1. Match day
19.08.17 - 10:00
Zhytlobud-2 7:0
WFC Pantery Uman
Zhytlobud-2 Kharkiv (-2022)   WFC Pantery Uman

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Yuriy Derenyuk Yuriy Derenyuk
Coach, 36 years
29 01.05.2015 - WFC Pantery Uman -