Warendorfer SU Germany - Fußball-und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 12.03.2015.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Warendorfer SU in the season 2014/2015

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sandra Klemann Sandra Klemann
Goalkeeper, 19 years
Germany Warendorfer SU II
Melanie Ziegner Melanie Ziegner
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
Germany DJK Grün-Weiß Amelsbüren
Sandra Aertker Sandra Aertker
Goalkeeper, 26 years
Germany Warendorfer SU II
Sophie Stührmann Sophie Stührmann
Defence, 19 years
Germany unbekannt
Nina Heinrich Nina Heinrich
Defence, 19 years
Germany pausiert
Gianna Grillemeier Gianna Grillemeier
Defence (RV), 17 years
Germany SG Telgte
Mayra Carolina Acosta Dominguez Mayra Carolina Acosta Dominguez
Defence, 17 years
Germany SG Telgte
Annika Bröcker Annika Bröcker
Defence, 20 years
Germany Würzburger Kickers
Laura Rieping Laura Rieping
Defence, 19 years
Germany BSV Ostbevern
Elisa Kschiedel Elisa Kschiedel
Defence, 17 years
Germany vereinslos
Jessica Kelly Jessica Kelly
Defence, 17 years
Germany unbekannt
Anna Steckel Anna Steckel
Defence (IV), 26 years
Germany SV Blau-Weiß Aasee
Nadine Holtkötter Nadine Holtkötter
Midfield, 21 years
Germany unbekannt
Fabienne Hünefeld Fabienne Hünefeld
Midfield, 16 years
Germany Warendorfer SU II
Katrin Brinkkötter Katrin Brinkkötter
Midfield, 24 years
Germany Warendorfer SU II
Marie Wedig Marie Wedig
Midfield, 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Maeva Jocksch Maeva Jocksch
Midfield, 18 years
Germany BSV Ostbevern
Vanessa Otte Vanessa Otte
Midfield (OM), 22 years
Germany Warendorfer SU
Sandra Blanke Sandra Blanke
Midfield, 21 years
Germany pausiert
Anna Rademacher Anna Rademacher
Midfield, 19 years
Germany Warendorfer SU II
Laura Ostenfelder Laura Ostenfelder
Midfield, 17 years
Germany SC Wiedenbrück
Madleen Ballion Madleen Ballion
Striker, 16 years
Germany unbekannt
Hanna John Hanna John
Striker, 20 years
Germany Sparta Göttingen
Lara Pahlig Lara Pahlig
Striker, 17 years
Germany unbekannt
Inga Hinkerode Inga Hinkerode
Striker, 26 years
Germany pausiert
Carolin Karmann Carolin Karmann
Striker, 20 years
Germany unbekannt


Regionalliga West 2014/2015

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- SGS Essen II 26 44 12
- Fortuna Köln 26 40 3
- Warendorfer SU 26 38 -6
- VfL Bochum II 26 36 1
- Bayer 04 Leverkusen II 26 33 -2

Other 2014/2015

Top 3 Goal scorers
Hanna John Hanna John
Striker, 30 years
4 Goals
Sandra Blanke Sandra Blanke
Midfield, 31 years
3 Goals
Carina Louis Carina Louis
Striker, 32 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2014/2015

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2014/2015

Back Matches Next
Regionalliga West - 1. Match day
31.08.14 - 13:30
Warendorfer SU 1:1
MSV Duisburg II
Warendorfer SU   MSV Duisburg II

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Max Ende Max Ende
Coach, 37 years
27 01.09.2012 30.06.2016 Warendorfer SU -
Frank Woycke Frank Woycke
Coach, 60 years
50 01.07.2008 30.06.2015 Warendorfer SU -