VfR Wormatia Worms Germany - Südwestdeutscher Fußballverband

 Regionalliga Südwest   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 28.03.2022.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of VfR Wormatia Worms in the season 2021/2022

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Jasmin Heger Jasmin Heger
Goalkeeper, 26 years
Germany SC Siegelbach
Pepa Jaeschke Pepa Jaeschke
Goalkeeper (TW), 27 years
Germany Karriereende
Vanessa Delp Vanessa Delp
Goalkeeper, 20 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Jasmin Hofmann Jasmin Hofmann
Defence, 40 years
Germany Karriereende
Cassandra Braun Cassandra Braun
Defence, 17 years
Leonie Reiter Leonie Reiter
Defence (IV), 18 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Michelle Magin Michelle Magin
Defence, 30 years
Germany 1. FFC Ludwigshafen
Jana Meierfrankenfeld Jana Meierfrankenfeld
Defence, 28 years
Germany 1. FSV Mainz 05
Sina Schmitt Sina Schmitt
Defence, 27 years
Germany SV 1970 Obersülzen
Lara Karnahl Lara Karnahl
Defence, 29 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Denise Burkhart Denise Burkhart
Defence, 23 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Tiziana Nettuno Tiziana Nettuno
Midfield, 20 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms II
Franziska Bohrer Franziska Bohrer
Midfield (OM), 26 years
Germany vereinslos
Romina Bornschein Romina Bornschein
Midfield, 23 years
Germany SC Opel Rüsselsheim
Sarah Stauffer Sarah Stauffer
Midfield (OM)
Germany SV 1970 Obersülzen
Sina Zelt Sina Zelt
Midfield, 29 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Lorena Kremers Lorena Kremers
Midfield, 29 years
TSV Neckarau
Romy Gajdera Romy Gajdera
Midfield, 27 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Eileen Schildhorn Eileen Schildhorn
Midfield, 20 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Caroline Rau Caroline Rau
Midfield -, 28 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Lisa Marie Erdmann Lisa Marie Erdmann
Germany SV 1970 Obersülzen
Julia Flatter Julia Flatter
Midfield, 29 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Jennifer Kott Jennifer Kott
Midfield, 33 years
Germany Karriereende
Lea-Marie Schlösser Lea-Marie Schlösser
Striker, 19 years
Germany vereinslos
Carmen Greiner Carmen Greiner
Striker, 31 years
SV Ober-Olm
Joanna Konnermann Joanna Konnermann
Striker, 20 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms II
Caprice Burkhart Caprice Burkhart
Striker, 20 years
Germany FV Freinsheim 1924
Tamara Saskia Klein Tamara Saskia Klein
Striker, 23 years
Germany unbekannt
Tina Ruh Tina Ruh
Striker, 35 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Franziska Lovecchio Franziska Lovecchio
Striker, 31 years
Germany VfR Wormatia Worms
Linda Stock Linda Stock
Striker, 34 years
Germany Karriereende

Foreign players: 1 (3,2 %)

Regionalliga Südwest 2021/2022

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- 1. FC Riegelsberg 12 23 13
- 1. FFC Montabaur 12 21 17
- VfR Wormatia Worms 12 21 2
- TSV Schott Mainz (-2023) 12 19 10
- TuS Issel 12 16 8

Other 2021/2022

Top 3 Goal scorers
Tina Ruh Tina Ruh
Striker, 38 years
11 Goals
Romy Gajdera Romy Gajdera
Midfield, 30 years
5 Goals
Franziska Lovecchio Franziska Lovecchio
Striker, 34 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2021/2022

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
DFB-Pokal 2nd round

Matches 2021/2022

Back Matches Next
DFB-Pokal - 1st round
29.08.21 - 14:00
ESV Lokomotive Meiningen 1:6
VfR Wormatia Worms
ESV Lokomotive Meiningen   VfR Wormatia Worms

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Pia Züfle Pia Züfle
Coach, 28 years
25 01.07.2021 30.06.2022 vereinslos to player profile
Svenja Broß Svenja Broß
Coach, 35 years
32 01.07.2021 30.06.2022 Juniorenmannschaft (männlich) to player profile
Jens Emmerich Jens Emmerich
Coach, 55 years
52 01.07.2019 30.06.2022 vereinslos -