Bosnien-Herzegowina U19 - Ungarn U19
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  19
ø-Age:  18.1 years
Founded:  00.00.0000
Members:  ?
U19 EM Qualifikation Liga B - 4. Match day
Di, 08.04.2025 - 15:00
Stadion Rođeni
Total capacity: 5.294
Referee: Still open
20.000 €   :Total market value
20.000 €  :ø-Market value
20  :Number of players
18.2 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members

Squad of Bosnien-Herzegowina U19
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Nadija Golubović 17 1,69 BIH - 2025
0 RV Bogdana Milićević 18 BIH - ?
0 IV Dalal Bratović 18 BIH - 2025
0 IV Natalija Mirković 17 BIH - 2025
0 Samra Muhić 18 BIH - ?
0 Milica Radovanović 18 BIH - ?
0 Dragana Marinković 17 BIH - ?
0 ZM Amila Abdukić 17 1,66 BIH - 2025
0 RM Una Rankić 17 1,72 BIH - 2025
0 Nina Brnić 19 BIH - ?
0 Alicia Dindić Jönsson 18 BIH - ?
0 Irina Erkić 17 BIH - ?
0 Lorena Terzić 18 BIH - ?
0 Sajra Bajrić 17 BIH - ?
0 Anđelina Laketić 17 BIH - ?
0 Jovana Novaković 18 BIH - ?
0 Nina Garibija 18 BIH - ?
0 Tasneem Dizdarević 18 BIH - ?
0 Alma Babović 17 BIH - ?

Trainer of Bosnien-Herzegowina U19
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Jelena Milović 32 BIH Trainer 28.03.2024 ?
last 5 matchups
12.04.2022 Bosnien U19 Ungarn U19 1:3
25.09.2008 Ungarn U19 Bosnien U19 9:3

balance sheet of Bosnien-Herzegowina U19 against Ungarn U19
  Matches draw
Home 1 0 0 1
Away 1 0 0 1
Total 2 0 0 2

Last 5 results: Bosnien-Herzegowina U19
25.02.2025 Nordmazed. U19 Bosnien U19 0:4
23.02.2025 Nordmazed. U19 Bosnien U19 2:4
02.12.2024 Wales U19 Bosnien U19 2:1
29.11.2024 Bosnien U19 Litauen U19 5:0
26.11.2024 Bosnien U19 Georgien U19 0:1

Last 5 results: Ungarn U19
24.02.2025 Zypern U19 Ungarn U19 0:3
21.02.2025 Zypern U19 Ungarn U19 0:7
03.12.2024 Schottland U19 Ungarn U19 3:0
30.11.2024 Niederlande U19 Ungarn U19 5:0
27.11.2024 Ungarn U19 Schweden U19 1:5

Top 3 Goal scorers: Bosnien-Herzegowina U19
Tasneem Dizdarević 2 Appearances 2 Goals
Dalal Bratović 2 Appearances 1 Goals
Una Rankić 2 Appearances 1 Goals

Squad of Ungarn U19
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Maja Spilenberg 18 1,74 HUN - ?
0 TW Dóra Ascher 18 HUN - ?
0 Otília Török 17 HUN - ?
0 Linett Bozsik 17 HUN - ?
0 Eszter Csáki 18 HUN - ?
0 Petra Nyul 17 HUN - ?
0 Tekla Pintér 18 HUN - ?
0 Dóra Jákri 16 HUN - ?
0 Sára Szarvas 18 HUN - ?
0 Barbara Égi 18 HUN - ?
0 Zsuzsanna Hécz 18 HUN - ?
0 Sydney Koszo 18 HUN - ?
0 Napsugár Sinka 18 HUN 20.000 € 2026
0 Viktória Murár 18 HUN - ?
0 Fanni Kern 18 HUN - ?
0 LA Anna Túróczy 17 1,69 HUN - ?
0 Lilien Borzák 17 HUN - ?
0 Dóra Szabó 17 HUN - ?
0 Borbála Vincze 17 HUN - 2027
0 Virág Németh 18 HUN - ?

Trainer of Ungarn U19
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Zsofia Rácz 36 HUN Trainer 25.03.2024 ?

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