Norwegen U19 - Island U19
Total market value:  80.000 €
ø-Market value:  26.667 €
Number of players:  19
ø-Age:  18.4 years
Founded:  30.04.1902
Members:  364.940 (as of: 31.12.2011)
U19 EM Qualifikation Liga A - 5. Match day
Sa, 05.04.2025 - 16:00
Consto Arena
Total capacity: 4
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
20  :Number of players
16.4 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members

Squad of Norwegen U19
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 Frida Aursland 18 NOR - ?
0 Hanna Krog 17 NOR - ?
0 LV Tomine Svendheim 19 1,80 NOR 30.000 € 2026
0 IV Libe Haftorsen-Brakstad 18 1,75 NOR - ?
0 IV Thale Hauge 17 NOR - 2027
0 Tuva Sagen 18 NOR 10.000 € 2027
0 Ina Andreassen 18 NOR - ?
0 Ane Jørgensen 19 1,74 NOR - 2026
0 Anna Nigårdsøy 19 NOR - ?
0 RV Solveig Slemmen 18 1,66 NOR - 2026
0 DM Carina Alfredsen 18 NOR - 2027
0 Elle Ulstein 17 NOR - ?
0 Mathea Berg-Solemdal 18 1,65 NOR - ?
0 Andrea Buberg 18 NOR - 2027
0 Ronja Arnesen 18 NOR - 2025
0 MS Frøya Dorsin 18 1,69 NOR 40.000 € 2027
0 MS Anny Kerim-Lindland 18 1,72 NOR - 2025
0 MS Martine Fenger 18 1,78 NOR - 2026
0 Linnea Sælen 19 NOR - ?

Trainer of Norwegen U19
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Lena Tyriberget 51 NOR Trainer 05.08.2022 ?
last 5 matchups
13.07.2024 1:2
25.09.2023 3:1
04.09.2022 1:3
08.06.2018 2:0
13.07.2009 0:0

balance sheet of Norwegen U19 against Island U19
  Matches draw
Home 2 2 0 0
Away 4 3 1 0
Total 6 5 1 0

Last 5 results: Norwegen U19
25.02.2025 Norwegen U19 Frankreich U19 1:2
22.02.2025 Norwegen U19 Dänemark U19 2:1
03.12.2024 Norwegen U19 Irland U19 1:0
30.11.2024 Norwegen U19 Bulgarien U19 4:0
27.11.2024 Finnland U19 Norwegen U19 0:1

Last 5 results: Island U19
23.02.2025 Schottland U19 Island U19 2:1
20.02.2025 Schottland U19 Island U19 1:3
03.12.2024 Nordirland U19 Island U19 1:1
30.11.2024 Spanien U19 Island U19 3:0
27.11.2024 Island U19 Belgien U19 1:1

Top 3 Goal scorers: Norwegen U19
Carina Alfredsen 3 Appearances 2 Goals
Andrea Buberg 3 Appearances 1 Goals
Anny Kerim-Lindland 3 Appearances 1 Goals

Top 3 Goal scorers: Island U19
Hrefna Jónsdóttir 3 Appearances 1 Goals
Ísabella Sara Tryggvadóttir 3 Appearances 1 Goals
Squad of Island U19
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 Viktoría Sólveig Óðinsdóttir 18 ISL - 2026
0 Sigurborg Katla Sveinbjörnsdóttir 19 ISL - 2026
0 Líf Joostdóttir van Bemmel 17 ISL - 2025
0 Jónína Linnet 17 ISL - ?
0 Helga Rut Einarsdóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 OM Margrét Brynja Kristinsdóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 Jóhanna Elín Halldórsdóttir 18 ISL - 2026
0 Olga Lind Gestsdóttir ISL - ?
0 Salóme Kristín Róbertsdóttir ISL - ?
0 Brynja Rán Knudsen 17 ISL - 2026
0 Kolbrá Una Kristinsdóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 Berglind Freyja Hlynsdóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 Bergdís Sveinsdóttir 18 ISL - 2026
0 Bríet Jóhannsdóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 Amalía Árnadóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 MS Ísabella Sara Tryggvadóttir 18 ISL - ?
0 Ragnheiður Þórunn Jónsdóttir 17 ISL - 2027
0 Freyja Stefánsdóttir 17 ISL - ?
0 Karlotta Björk Andradóttir 17 ISL - ?
0 Hrefna Jónsdóttir 18 ISL - ?

Trainer of Island U19
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Þórður Þórðarson 52 ISL Trainer 13.09.2024 ?

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