Kattem IL - FK Donn
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  13 (0 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  30.2 years
Founded:  01.01.1979
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  9. rank - 14 Matches - 6 Points - 8:38 Goals - Toppserien
Toppserien - 16. Match day
Sa, 04.09.2010 - 00:00
Byåsen Arena
Total capacity: 500
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
11 (1 Foreign players)  :Number of players
35.2 years  :ø-Age
01.01.1909  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet

Squad of Kattem IL
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
12 TW Aashild Kolsvik 31 NOR - ?
21 IV Ashild Thorrud 39 NOR - 2005 ?
8 Lene Langas 42 NOR - ?
3 Janniche Tösdal Linde 33 NOR - ?
0 Maria Stordahl 31 NOR - 2011 - ?
0 Benedicte Christensen 33 NOR - ?
16 Runa Lunde 32 NOR - ?
6 Ida Aasve Hepsö 31 NOR - ?
18 Linda Charlotte Mathisen NOR - ?
19 Marte Dragset Stene NOR - ?
0 Hanna Haanes 34 NOR - 2011 - ?
11 Annette Hermann 40 NOR - ?
9 Guro Motterud 42 NOR - ?

Trainer of Kattem IL
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Svein Maalen NOR Trainer ?
last 5 matchups
04.09.2010 Kattem FK Donn 1:2
24.04.2010 FK Donn Kattem 0:0

balance sheet of Kattem IL against FK Donn
  Matches Kattem draw
Home 1 0 0 1
Away 1 0 1 0
Total 2 0 1 1

Last 5 results: Kattem IL
21.05.2015 Kattem IL Kolbotn 1:7
11.11.2012 Kattem IL Amazon Grimstad 3:1
03.11.2012 Vålerenga Kattem IL 1:2
28.10.2012 Kattem IL IL Sandviken 5:3
13.10.2012 Kolbotn Kattem IL 2:1

Last 5 results: FK Donn
06.11.2010 Trondheims-Ørn FK Donn 1:0
30.10.2010 FK Donn Grei Kvinner 2:1
16.10.2010 Amazon Grimstad FK Donn 1:0
09.10.2010 FK Donn Arna-Bjørnar 2:4
25.09.2010 Kolbotn FK Donn 3:1

Top 3 Goal scorers: Kattem IL
Ashild Thorrud 5 Appearances 1 Goals
Annette Hermann 5 Appearances 1 Goals
Guro Motterud 5 Appearances 1 Goals

Squad of FK Donn
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
12 TW Benthe-Lill Honnemyr 37 1,73 NOR - ?
17 Silje-Gjöen Eriksen 36 1,70 NOR - ?
15 Lene-Näss Bjerkeli 40 1,69 NOR - ?
14 Vanessa Gundersen 32 1,60 NOR - ?
17 Eline Halvorsen 32 1,64 NOR - ?
16 Annette-Aas Pedersen 35 1,64 NOR - 2010 ?
9 Elyse Shelger 39 1,68 USA - ?
20 Hege-Kathrine Skjelbred 41 1,68 NOR - ?
0 Andrea Jørgensen 21 NOR - 2023 - ?
21 Christina Moberg 35 1,70 NOR - ?
19 Liv-Kristin Nilsen 33 1,56 NOR - ?

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