SV TiMoNo Germany - Niedersächsischer Fußball-Verband

 Oberliga Niedersachsen West   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 05.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SV TiMoNo in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Carina Schoone Carina Schoone
Goalkeeper (TW), 34 years
Germany Karriereende
Jule Jelten Jule Jelten
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Tjalda Sangen Tjalda Sangen
Goalkeeper (TW)
Germany vereinslos
Nicole Fleischer Nicole Fleischer
Goalkeeper (TW)
Germany SV TiMoNo II
Rebecca Velarde Winter Rebecca Velarde Winter
Defence, 24 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Lisa Schlegel Lisa Schlegel
Defence, 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Charlotte Engels Charlotte Engels
Germany SV TiMoNo II
Marlit Eden Marlit Eden
Defence, 18 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Julia Bohlen Julia Bohlen
Defence, 21 years
Germany SpVg Aurich
Ayleen Buttjer Ayleen Buttjer
Defence, 18 years
Germany vereinslos
Michelle van Göns Michelle van Göns
Defence, 23 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Stella Krull Stella Krull
Defence, 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Lena Born Lena Born
Germany SV TiMoNo II
Sandra Hamphoff Sandra Hamphoff
Germany vereinslos
Fenna Borde Fenna Borde
Midfield, 16 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Katharina Balssen Katharina Balssen
Germany SV TiMoNo II
Kim Ammermann Kim Ammermann
Midfield, 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Saskia Keil Saskia Keil
Midfield, 24 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Sophie Juniel Sophie Juniel
Germany vereinslos
Kea Winkelmann Kea Winkelmann
Midfield, 18 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Friederike Schwarzer Friederike Schwarzer
Germany SV TiMoNo
Diandra Röben Diandra Röben
Germany SV TiMoNo II
Lara-Marie Cordes Lara-Marie Cordes
Midfield, 18 years
Germany SpVg Aurich
Alina Murra Alina Murra
Striker, 19 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Anneke Kuper Anneke Kuper
Striker, 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo
Fenja Popp Fenja Popp
Striker, 18 years
Germany vereinslos
Lea Siemens Lea Siemens
Striker, 21 years
Germany SV TiMoNo


Oberliga Niedersachsen West 2020/2021

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- SV TiMoNo 6 15 13
- SV Heidekraut Andervenne 5 10 8
- Blau-Weiss Hollage 5 10 4
- FC Geestland 5 10 4
- SV DJK Schlichthorst 5 7 1

Other 2020/2021

Top 3 Goal scorers
Lea Siemens Lea Siemens
Striker, 25 years
5 Goals
Sandra Hamphoff Sandra Hamphoff
Midfield, 0 years
4 Goals
Anneke Kuper Anneke Kuper
Striker, 25 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2020/2021

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2020/2021

Back Matches Next
Oberliga Niedersachsen West - 10. Match day
SV TiMoNo :
SV DJK Schlichthorst
SV TiMoNo   SV DJK Schlichthorst

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Jan-Henrik Koppelkamm Jan-Henrik Koppelkamm
Coach, 27 years
23 01.07.2019 - SV TiMoNo -