SV Höntrop Germany - Fußball-und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2022.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SV Höntrop in the season 2021/2022

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Thea-Larie Beckhöfer Thea-Larie Beckhöfer
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
Germany vereinslos
Larissa-Katharina Kröhling Larissa-Katharina Kröhling
Goalkeeper, 23 years
Germany GSV 1910 Moers
Lena Hilke Lena Hilke
Defence, 21 years
Germany VfL Bochum II
Dominique Lemke Dominique Lemke
Defence, 30 years
Germany SpVgg Gerthe
Merle Neuhaus Merle Neuhaus
Defence, 22 years
Germany SV Heißen
Sarah Bethke Sarah Bethke
Defence, 18 years
Germany SV Waldesrand Linden
Jana Gkiaourakis Jana Gkiaourakis
Defence, 22 years
SC Union Bergen 1922
Jaqueline Pilzecker Jaqueline Pilzecker
Defence (IV), 19 years
Germany Borussia Dortmund II
Judith van Bebber Judith van Bebber
Defence, 21 years
Germany vereinslos
Maria Bobori Maria Bobori
Defence, 24 years
Greece vereinslos
Elham Mehri Elham Mehri
Midfield, 24 years
Germany Karriereende
Lisa Breitenstein Lisa Breitenstein
Midfield, 21 years
Germany SpVgg Gerthe
Sarah Gatawis Sarah Gatawis
Midfield, 19 years
Germany 1. FFC Recklinghausen
Mia Fromm Mia Fromm
Midfield, 17 years
Germany SC Union Bergen 1922
Rabea Nagel Rabea Nagel
Midfield, 24 years
Germany Rhenania Bottrop
Louisa Reith Louisa Reith
Midfield, 24 years
Germany unbekannt
Hanna Dick Hanna Dick
Midfield, 22 years
Germany FC Kray
Eurona Hoti Eurona Hoti
Midfield (OM), 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Ann-Kathrin Hecker Ann-Kathrin Hecker
Midfield, 24 years
Germany vereinslos
Cansin Köktürk Cansin Köktürk
Germany Karriereende
Mia Stolze Mia Stolze
Midfield, 17 years
Germany SpVgg Gerthe
Irina Klüner Irina Klüner
Germany vereinslos
Michelle Sinz Michelle Sinz
Striker, 20 years
Germany 1. FFC Recklinghausen
Giulia Grimaldi Giulia Grimaldi
Striker, 26 years
Germany Rot-Weiß Oberhausen
Charleen Miß Charleen Miß
Striker, 28 years
Germany SG Wattenscheid 09
Angelina Szczesny Angelina Szczesny
Striker, 17 years
Germany vereinslos
Carry-Ann Hosch Carry-Ann Hosch
Germany vereinslos
Ceren Özhan Ceren Özhan
Striker, 22 years
MSV Duisburg III

Foreign players: 2 (7,1 %)

Westfalenliga 2021/2022

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
12  - SV 21 Bökendorf 29 30 -16
13  - SV Berghofen II 28 29 -28
14  - SV Borussia Emsdetten 29 17 -55
15  - FC Donop-Voßheide 29 14 -86
16  - SV Höntrop 8 6 -24

Other 2021/2022

Top 3 Goal scorers
Merle Neuhaus Merle Neuhaus
Defence, 25 years
3 Goals
Giulia Grimaldi Giulia Grimaldi
Striker, 29 years
2 Goals
Jana Gkiaourakis Jana Gkiaourakis
Defence, 25 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2021/2022

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2021/2022

Back Matches Next
Westfalenliga - 1. Match day
29.08.21 - 13:00
SV Borussia Emsdetten 5:2
SV Höntrop
SV Borussia Emsdetten   SV Höntrop

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Alessandro Nicosia Alessandro Nicosia
Coach, 44 years
41 01.07.2021 - SV Höntrop -