SV Hegnach Germany - Württembergischer Fußball-Verband

 Regionalliga Süd   DFB-Pokal   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 20.03.2016.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SV Hegnach in the season 2015/2016

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Anke Langwisch Anke Langwisch
Goalkeeper (TW), 24 years
Germany Karriereende
Simone Holder Simone Holder
Goalkeeper (TW), 27 years
Germany pausiert
Natalie Baumann Natalie Baumann
Defence (RV), 20 years
Germany vereinslos
Julia Deißler Julia Deißler
Defence, 25 years
Germany unbekannt
Jennifer Bantel Jennifer Bantel
Defence, 27 years
Germany unbekannt
Isabel Kochkach Isabel Kochkach
Defence, 25 years
Germany Karriereende
Jessica Nicolosi Jessica Nicolosi
Defence, 27 years
Germany unbekannt
Alice Mayer Alice Mayer
Germany unbekannt
Selina Schindler Selina Schindler
Midfield, 25 years
Germany Karriereende
Ilire Balaj Ilire Balaj
Midfield, 27 years
Jasmina Schmidt Jasmina Schmidt
Germany unbekannt
Maike Bendfeld Maike Bendfeld
Midfield, 20 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Ann-Katrin Riehle Ann-Katrin Riehle
Midfield, 24 years
Germany unbekannt
Julia Kappenberger Julia Kappenberger
Striker, 20 years
Germany First Vienna FC 1894
Pelin Mussa Pelin Mussa
Striker, 23 years
Laura Bonuso Laura Bonuso
Striker, 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Sara Reichel Sara Reichel
Striker, 23 years
Germany Karriereende

Foreign players: 2 (11,8 %)

Transfer balance sheet 2015/2016

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
DFB-Pokal last 16

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Stephan Homuth Stephan Homuth
Coach, 41 years
32 01.07.2015 30.06.2016 FFV Fortuna Göcklingen -