SV Budberg Germany - Fußball-Verband Niederrhein


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 11.03.2020.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SV Budberg in the season 2019/2020

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Lisa Montenbruck Lisa Montenbruck
Goalkeeper, 27 years
Germany unbekannt
Franziska Gareißen Franziska Gareißen
Germany FV Mönchengladbach 2020
Kim Gina Stawowy Kim Gina Stawowy
Goalkeeper, 20 years
Germany SV Budberg
Alice Hellfeier Alice Hellfeier
Defence, 26 years
Germany Herrenteam
Sabrina Tinz Sabrina Tinz
Defence (LV), 25 years
Germany SV Heißen
Anna Katharina Dahmen Anna Katharina Dahmen
Defence, 18 years
Germany GSV 1910 Moers
Mie Blittersdorf Mie Blittersdorf
Defence (LV), 19 years
Germany CfR Links Düsseldorf
Sarah Hake Sarah Hake
Defence, 25 years
Germany FC Schalke 04
Jessica Dannehl Jessica Dannehl
Defence, 22 years
Germany SV Budberg
Marie Schneider Marie Schneider
Defence, 22 years
Germany Bayer 05 Uerdingen
Charlyne Silvente Perez Charlyne Silvente Perez
Midfield, 25 years
Spain SV Budberg
Nora Steinsträter Nora Steinsträter
Midfield, 29 years
Germany vereinslos
Jalila Benahmed Jalila Benahmed
Midfield (OM), 21 years
Germany pausiert
Frauke Fleischer Frauke Fleischer
Midfield, 26 years
Germany unbekannt
Scarlett Hellfeier Scarlett Hellfeier
Midfield (TW), 28 years
Germany Karriereende
Celine Vaupel Celine Vaupel
Midfield (OM), 17 years
Germany SC Amicitia München
Elona Sadiku Elona Sadiku
Midfield, 20 years
GSV 1910 Moers
Weronika Rekus Weronika Rekus
Midfield, 19 years
Poland SV Budberg
Joy Babatunde Joy Babatunde
Midfield, 20 years
Germany Borussia Mönchengladbach II
Jülide Mirvan Jülide Mirvan
Midfield, 22 years
Germany SV Budberg
Claudia vom Eyser Claudia vom Eyser
Midfield, 34 years
Germany Karriereende
Laura Montenbruck Laura Montenbruck
Striker, 24 years
Germany unbekannt
Gurbet Akcay Gurbet Akcay
Striker, 25 years
Nina Hegmann Nina Hegmann
Striker, 27 years
Germany SV Budberg II
Katharina Presch Katharina Presch
Striker, 25 years
Germany SV Budberg
Lara Köchl Lara Köchl
Striker, 22 years
Germany unbekannt
Jennifer Schlittke Jennifer Schlittke
Striker, 24 years
Germany SV Budberg
Sina Leonie Zorychta Sina Leonie Zorychta
Striker, 22 years
Germany 1. FFC Recklinghausen
Katharina Brzeski Katharina Brzeski
Striker, 26 years
FC Schalke 04 II
Alexa Steffans Alexa Steffans
Striker, 24 years
Germany unbekannt

Foreign players: 3 (10,0 %)

Regionalliga West 2019/2020

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Borussia Mönchengladbach II 16 18 -7
10  - SV Menden 1912 16 16 -11
11  - SV Budberg 16 13 -13
12  - SV 21 Bökendorf 16 11 -18
13  - GSV 1910 Moers 16 10 -41

Other 2019/2020

Top 3 Goal scorers
Sina Leonie Zorychta Sina Leonie Zorychta
Striker, 27 years
9 Goals
Alice Hellfeier Alice Hellfeier
Defence, 31 years
2 Goals
Katharina Presch Katharina Presch
Striker, 30 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2019/2020

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2019/2020

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Regionalliga West - 1. Match day
25.08.19 - 15:00
Herforder SV 1:1
SV Budberg
Herforder SV   SV Budberg

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Jürgen Raab Jürgen Raab
Coach, 66 years
61 01.07.2017 - SV Budberg -