SG Lütgendortmund Germany


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2011.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SG Lütgendortmund in the season 2010/2011

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sandra Schröer Sandra Schröer
Goalkeeper (TW), 28 years
Germany Borussia Dortmund
Paulina Röck Paulina Röck
Defence, 16 years
Germany unbekannt
Bea Polrolniczak Bea Polrolniczak
Defence, 18 years
Germany Karriereende
Cindy Lorent Cindy Lorent
Defence, 17 years
Germany SpVgg Horsthausen
Kathrin van Kampen Kathrin van Kampen
Defence, 21 years
Germany 1. FFC Recklinghausen
Jacqueline Meißner Jacqueline Meißner
Defence (IV), 17 years
Germany SGS Essen
Janine Sturhann Janine Sturhann
Defence, 27 years
Germany unbekannt
Angelina Becker Angelina Becker
Germany Karriereende
Corinna Dubbel Corinna Dubbel
Defence, 17 years
Germany TV Brechten
Lara Sophie Brüel Lara Sophie Brüel
Defence, 17 years
Germany Karriereende
Joana Konstantinidis Joana Konstantinidis
Germany unbekannt
Pinar Yildirim Pinar Yildirim
Defence, 18 years
Turkey SV Hohenlimburg 1910
Natalie Böhme Natalie Böhme
Defence, 23 years
Germany unbekannt
Heike Czyganowski Heike Czyganowski
Midfield, 46 years
Germany Karriereende
Katrin Karlinski Katrin Karlinski
Germany unbekannt
Tania Capobianco Tania Capobianco
Midfield, 17 years
Italy TV Brechten
Claudia Bauch Claudia Bauch
Midfield (DM), 16 years
Germany Ideal CF Casa de Espana
Charlotte Beine Charlotte Beine
Midfield (ZM), 17 years
Germany pausiert
Julia Gödecke Julia Gödecke
Midfield, 17 years
Germany Borussia Dortmund II
Vanessa Hannig Vanessa Hannig
Midfield, 17 years
Germany Arminia Bielefeld II
Annalena Dubbel Annalena Dubbel
Midfield, 18 years
Germany TV Brechten
Ylenia Cipriano Ylenia Cipriano
Striker, 16 years
Italy unbekannt
Isabelle Wolf Isabelle Wolf
Striker, 16 years
Germany vereinslos
Sarah Rath Sarah Rath
Striker, 23 years
Germany unbekannt

Foreign players: 3 (12,5 %)

Regionalliga West 2010/2011

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
10  - DJK Fortuna Dilkrath 26 27 -12
11  - DJK Eintracht Coesfeld 26 27 -31
12  - SG Lütgendortmund 26 24 -11
13  - SGS Essen II 26 23 -10
14  - FC Sankt Augustin 26 15 -42

Other 2010/2011

Top 3 Goal scorers
Isabelle Wolf Isabelle Wolf
Striker, 30 years
12 Goals
Jacqueline Meißner Jacqueline Meißner
Defence, 31 years
4 Goals
Julia Gödecke Julia Gödecke
Midfield, 31 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2010/2011

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2010/2011

Back Matches Next
Regionalliga West - 1. Match day
29.08.10 - 15:00
SG Lütgendortmund 1:1
DJK Arminia Ibbenbüren
SG Lütgendortmund   DJK Arminia Ibbenbüren

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Andreas Krznar Andreas Krznar
Coach, 52 years
38 01.01.2011 30.06.2012 1. FFC Recklinghausen -
Manuel Richter Manuel Richter
Team coordinator, ?
- 30.11.2009 31.12.2011 vereinslos -