SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos Austria - Oberösterreichischer Fußballverband

 2. Frauen Bundesliga   ÖFB Frauen Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2024.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

2. Frauen Bundesliga 2023/2024

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Carinthians Hornets 22 31 0
- Union LUV Graz 22 29 -24
- SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos 22 26 -18
- SV Horn 22 19 -62
10  - Wiener Sport-Club 22 18 -23

Other 2023/2024

Top 3 Goal scorers
Jennifer Mayr Jennifer Mayr
Striker, 0 years
11 Goals
Elisabeth Tischler Elisabeth Tischler
Midfield, 0 years
9 Goals
Lilli-Marie Braun Lilli-Marie Braun
Striker, 0 years
4 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2023/2024

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
ÖFB Frauen Cup 1st round

Matches 2023/2024

Back Matches Next
2. Frauen Bundesliga - 1. Match day
26.08.23 - 13:30
SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos 0:0
FAC - USC Landhaus
SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos   FAC - USC Landhaus

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Andreas Meindl Andreas Meindl
Coach, 39 years
38 01.07.2022 30.06.2024 vereinslos -
Alexandra Aichner Alexandra Aichner
Assistant coach, ?
- 01.07.2023 - SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos to player profile
Oliver Hauer Oliver Hauer
Athletic supervisor, ?
- 01.07.2023 - SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos -
Sabina Gruszka Sabina Gruszka
Soccer-Supervisor, ?
- 01.07.2022 - SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos to player profile
Kristin Grömer Kristin Grömer
Soccer-Supervisor, ?
- 01.07.2022 - SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos to player profile
Elisabeth Tischler Elisabeth Tischler
Soccer-Supervisor, ?
- 10.06.2023 - SG Geretsberg / Bürmoos to player profile