SFK Libero Gorazde Bosnia-Herzegovina

 Premijer Ženska Liga BiH   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 25.03.2023.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SFK Libero Gorazde in the season 2022/2023

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Jasmina Corbadzic Jasmina Corbadzic
Goalkeeper, 34 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Andrea Lopatic Andrea Lopatic
Goalkeeper, 16 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Sajra Rustempasic Sajra Rustempasic
Goalkeeper, 21 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina vereinslos
Lelja Hrelja Lelja Hrelja
Defence, 26 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Alisa Haseljić Alisa Haseljić
Defence, 15 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Aida Seper Aida Seper
Defence, 19 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina ŽNK Iskra Bugojno
Irma Smajić Irma Smajić
Defence, 24 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Ulmija Luzic-Cancar Ulmija Luzic-Cancar
Defence, 26 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Svjetlana Crnjak Svjetlana Crnjak
Midfield, 34 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina ŽFK Fortuna Živinice
Selma Mešanović Selma Mešanović
Midfield, 29 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina FK Sloboda Tuzla
Dejana Droca Dejana Droca
Midfield, 17 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Milena Djurdevic Milena Djurdevic
Midfield, 26 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Armina Purišević Armina Purišević
Midfield, 20 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Jelena Soldar Jelena Soldar
Midfield, 24 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Amila Purišević Amila Purišević
Midfield, 20 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Sumeja Bektaš Sumeja Bektaš
Midfield, 29 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina ŽF/NK Emina
Adaleta Velic Adaleta Velic
Midfield, 17 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina vereinslos
Branka Cvijetic Branka Cvijetic
Striker, 25 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina SFK Libero Gorazde
Mirnesa Kurtic Mirnesa Kurtic
Striker, 24 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina vereinslos
Djudjina Lazic Djudjina Lazic
Striker, 24 years
Bosnia-Herzegovina vereinslos


Premijer Ženska Liga BiH 2022/2023

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- ŽFK Radnik Bumerang 20 28 4
- ŽFK Fortuna Živinice 21 23 -13
- SFK Libero Gorazde 20 23 -42
- ŽFK Borac 20 7 -68
- ŽFK Lokomotiva Brčko 17 6 -93

Other 2022/2023

Top 3 Goal scorers
Branka Cvijetic Branka Cvijetic
Striker, 27 years
9 Goals
Milena Djurdevic Milena Djurdevic
Midfield, 28 years
6 Goals
Irma Smajić Irma Smajić
Defence, 26 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2022/2023

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2022/2023

Back Matches Next
Premijer Ženska Liga BiH - 1. Match day
14.08.22 - 17:30
ŽNK Iskra Bugojno 1:0
SFK Libero Gorazde
ŽNK Iskra Bugojno   SFK Libero Gorazde

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Emir Sarajlić Emir Sarajlić
Coach, 63 years
61 01.07.2022 - SFK Libero Gorazde -