SCR Altach Austria - Vorarlberger Fußballverband

 Frauen Bundesliga   Frauen Bundesliga Qualifikationsgruppe   ÖFB Frauen Cup   
 AKA Vorarlberg - SCR Altach   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 29.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SCR Altach in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sarah-Lisa Dübel Sarah-Lisa Dübel
Goalkeeper (TW), 27 years
Germany SCR Altach
Zoë Steenhuis Zoë Steenhuis
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Netherlands SPG FC Lustenau / FC Dornbirn Ladies
Janine Koretic Janine Koretic
Goalkeeper, 30 years
Austria SCR Altach
Sabrina Horvath-Calò Sabrina Horvath-Calò
Defence (IV), 27 years
Austria SCR Altach
Rikke Fleischer Nedreaas Rikke Fleischer Nedreaas
Defence (IV), 23 years
Norway SCR Altach
Lisa Maria Metzler Lisa Maria Metzler
Defence (IV), 28 years
Austria SCR Altach
Francesca Horvath-Calò Francesca Horvath-Calò
Defence (IV) -, 29 years
Switzerland SCR Altach
Selina Albrecht Selina Albrecht
Defence (LV), 18 years
Austria SCR Altach
Emilia Purtscher Emilia Purtscher
Midfield (ZM), 19 years
Austria SCR Altach
Maja Keckeis Maja Keckeis
Midfield (ZM), 17 years
Austria SCR Altach
Sarah Schneider Sarah Schneider
Midfield (ZM), 24 years
Austria SCR Altach
Rieke Tietz Rieke Tietz
Midfield (OM), 23 years
Germany SCR Altach
Hanna Sophie Sutter Hanna Sophie Sutter
Midfield, 17 years
Austria SPG FC Lustenau / FC Dornbirn Ladies
Julia Kofler Julia Kofler
Midfield (LM), 26 years
Austria SCR Altach
Anna Bereuter Anna Bereuter
Midfield (DM), 23 years
Austria SCR Altach
Brigitta Pulins Brigitta Pulins
Striker (RA), 25 years
SCR Altach
Selma Pajazetović Selma Pajazetović
Striker (MS), 28 years
SCR Altach
Maria Olsen Maria Olsen
Striker, 24 years
Denmark FK Austria Wien
Mia Bertsch Mia Bertsch
Striker (MS), 17 years
Austria SCR Altach
Jassie Vasconcelos Jassie Vasconcelos
Striker (LA), 30 years
Vera Ellgass Vera Ellgass
Striker (MS), 22 years
Germany SCR Altach
Isabella Jaron Isabella Jaron
Striker, 23 years
Germany FC Carl Zeiss Jena
Leonie Schmidle Leonie Schmidle
Striker (LA), 21 years
Austria SCR Altach

Foreign players: 11 (47,8 %)

Frauen Bundesliga 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- First Vienna FC 1894 18 33 8
- SK Sturm Graz 18 31 8
- SCR Altach 18 22 -7
- SPG FC Bergheim 18 21 -4
- USV Neulengbach 18 20 -10

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Isabella Jaron Isabella Jaron
Striker, 23 years
5 Goals
Rieke Tietz Rieke Tietz
Midfield, 23 years
3 Goals
Jassie Vasconcelos Jassie Vasconcelos
Striker, 30 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
ÖFB Frauen Cup 2nd round

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Frauen Bundesliga - 1. Match day
15.08.24 - 14:00
SCR Altach 3:1
SPG FC Bergheim
SCR Altach   SPG FC Bergheim

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Bernhard Summer Bernhard Summer
Coach, 57 years
57 15.07.2024 08.11.2024 vereinslos -
Markus Spiegel Markus Spiegel
Coach, 36 years
36 30.01.2025 - SCR Altach -
Jakob Jakob Jakob Jakob
Assistant coach, 44 years
44 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Jessica Thies Jessica Thies
Assistant coach, ?
- 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach to player profile
Peter Piero Hörler Peter Piero Hörler
Goalkeeping coach, 56 years
56 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Samuel Griell Samuel Griell
Individual Trainer, ?
- 18.09.2024 - SCR Altach -
Tobias Thies Tobias Thies
Athletic supervisor, 33 years
33 01.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Carlos Trilsam Carlos Trilsam
Team Manager, 18 years
18 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Julien Bernhart Julien Bernhart
Physiotherapist, ?
- 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Verena Müller Verena Müller
Physiotherapist, 29 years
29 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach to player profile
Lena Sohm Lena Sohm
Physiotherapist, ?
- 15.07.2024 31.12.2024 vereinslos -
Lea Anouk Sommer Lea Anouk Sommer
Physiotherapist, 28 years
28 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Daniel Schiffner Daniel Schiffner
Physiotherapist, ?
- 15.07.2024 - SCR Altach -
Benjamin Griell Benjamin Griell
Physiotherapist, 42 years
42 06.01.2025 - SCR Altach -