SC Freiburg Germany - Südbadischer Fußball-Verband

 Bundesliga   DFB-Pokal   
 SC Freiburg II   SC Freiburg U17   SC Freiburg Jugend   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2023.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SC Freiburg in the season 2022/2023

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Lena Nuding Lena Nuding
Goalkeeper (TW), 30 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Rafaela Borggräfe Rafaela Borggräfe
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Gabrielle Lambert Gabrielle Lambert
Goalkeeper (TW), 29 years
Canada Montreal Roses FC
Jule Baum Jule Baum
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Germany SC Sand
Rebecca Adamczyk Rebecca Adamczyk
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Lisa Karl Lisa Karl
Defence (RV), 26 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Alina Axtmann Alina Axtmann
Defence (IV), 17 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Kim Fellhauer Kim Fellhauer
Defence (IV), 25 years
Germany Karriereende
Judith Steinert Judith Steinert
Defence (IV), 27 years
Germany 1. FC Union Berlin
Greta Stegemann Greta Stegemann
Defence (IV), 22 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Jobina Lahr Jobina Lahr
Defence, 31 years
Germany Hamburger SV
Jana Vojteková Jana Vojteková
Defence (IV), 31 years
Slovakia FC Basel 1893
Samantha Steuerwald Samantha Steuerwald
Defence (IV), 24 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Luisa Wensing Luisa Wensing
Defence (IV), 30 years
Germany SV Gottenheim
Marie Müller Marie Müller
Defence (LV), 22 years
Germany Portland Thorns FC
Victoria Ezebinyuo Victoria Ezebinyuo
Defence, 21 years
Germany SC Freiburg II
Meret Felde Meret Felde
Midfield, 23 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Chiara Bouziane Chiara Bouziane
Midfield, 26 years
Germany 1. FSV Mainz 05
Selina Vobian Selina Vobian
Midfield (LA), 20 years
Germany SC Freiburg
Janina Minge Janina Minge
Midfield (DM), 23 years
Germany VfL Wolfsburg
Riola Xhemaili Riola Xhemaili
Midfield, 20 years
PSV Eindhoven
Annabel Schasching Annabel Schasching
Midfield, 20 years
Austria SC Freiburg
Alina Bantle Alina Bantle
Midfield (DM), 22 years
Germany SC Sand
Mia Büchele Mia Büchele
Midfield (ZM), 19 years
Germany Hamburger SV
Hasret Kayikçi Hasret Kayikçi
Striker (MS) -, 31 years
SC Freiburg
Svenja Fölmli Svenja Fölmli
Striker (MS), 20 years
Switzerland SC Freiburg
Lisa Kolb Lisa Kolb
Striker, 21 years
Austria SC Freiburg
Melina Reuter Melina Reuter
Striker (MS), 17 years
Germany FC Carl Zeiss Jena
Giovanna Hoffmann Giovanna Hoffmann
Striker (RA), 24 years
Germany RB Leipzig
Cora Zicai Cora Zicai
Striker, 18 years
Germany SC Freiburg

Foreign players: 6 (20,0 %)

Bundesliga 2022/2023

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 22 48 30
- Bayer 04 Leverkusen 22 30 3
- SC Freiburg 22 24 -11
- SGS Essen 22 23 -16
- SV Werder Bremen 22 21 -23

Other 2022/2023

Top 3 Goal scorers
Janina Minge Janina Minge
Midfield, 25 years
9 Goals
Hasret Kayikçi Hasret Kayikçi
Striker, 33 years
3 Goals
Svenja Fölmli Svenja Fölmli
Striker, 22 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2022/2023

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
DFB-Pokal final

Matches 2022/2023

Back Matches Next
DFB-Pokal - 2nd round
11.09.22 - 14:00
SG 99 Andernach 2:3
SC Freiburg
SG 99 Andernach   SC Freiburg

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Theresa Merk Theresa Merk
Coach, 35 years
33 01.07.2022 - SC Freiburg to player profile
Luca Murdolo Luca Murdolo
Assistant coach, 31 years
29 01.07.2022 30.06.2024 vereinslos -
Philo König Philo König
Assistant coach, 28 years
26 01.01.2022 30.06.2024 vereinslos -
Dominik Bergdorf Dominik Bergdorf
Goalkeeping coach, 32 years
30 01.07.2022 - SC Freiburg -
Hannes Mühl Hannes Mühl
Athletics trainer, 27 years
25 01.07.2022 30.06.2023 vereinslos -
Yuki Shigemura Yuki Shigemura
Rehab coach, 35 years
33 01.07.2018 - SC Freiburg -
André Malinowski André Malinowski
Athletic supervisor, 51 years
49 01.06.2022 - SC Freiburg -
Timm Weiner Timm Weiner
Soccer-Supervisor, 27 years
25 01.07.2020 - SC Freiburg -
Birgit Bauer-Schick Birgit Bauer-Schick
Soccer-Supervisor, 60 years
58 01.01.2017 - SC Freiburg -
Dr. Markus Siegel Dr. Markus Siegel
Teamarzt, 35 years
33 01.07.2018 - SC Freiburg -
Dr. Lisa Bode Dr. Lisa Bode
Teamarzt, 35 years
33 01.07.2017 - SC Freiburg -
Johannes Blume Johannes Blume
Physiotherapist, 48 years
46 01.07.2010 - SC Freiburg -
Matthias Rosa Matthias Rosa
Head Medical physiotherapy, 39 years
37 01.07.2018 30.06.2024 vereinslos -
Niklas Batsch Niklas Batsch
Press officer, 26 years
24 01.08.2021 - SC Freiburg -
Silke Heckel Silke Heckel
Team official, 48 years
46 01.07.2022 - SC Freiburg -