SC Balerna Switzerland


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2019.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of SC Balerna in the season 2018/2019

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Alice Wiedmann Alice Wiedmann
Goalkeeper (TW), 24 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Elisa Casellini Elisa Casellini
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Federica De Vivo Federica De Vivo
Defence, 22 years
Italy SC Balerna
Cora Salvade Cora Salvade
Defence, 31 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Federica Tosi Federica Tosi
Defence, 28 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Irene Terranella Irene Terranella
Midfield, 18 years
Italy SC Balerna
Chantal Lurati Chantal Lurati
Midfield, 30 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Irene Maiorano Irene Maiorano
Midfield, 25 years
Italy SC Balerna
Nicole Veglio Nicole Veglio
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Sara Cereghetti Sara Cereghetti
Striker, 19 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Agnese Danna Agnese Danna
Striker, 17 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Lisa Sardo Lisa Sardo
Striker, 24 years
Italy SC Balerna
Debora Tallarico Debora Tallarico
Striker, 23 years
Switzerland SC Balerna
Alice Vitali Alice Vitali
Striker, 24 years
Switzerland SC Balerna

Foreign players: 4 (28,6 %)

Transfer balance sheet 2018/2019

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 1st round

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Andrea Donini Andrea Donini
Coach, 41 years
35 01.07.2018 - SC Balerna -