ESV Fortuna Celle - SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  11 (1 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  14.3 years
Founded:  00.00.0000
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  11. rank - 1 Matches - 0 Points - 0:3 Goals - Regionalliga Nord
Regionalliga Nord - 19. Match day
So, 27.04.2014 - 15:00
A-Platz Kampstrasse
Total capacity: 0
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
48 (1 Foreign players)  :Number of players
24.3 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet
10. rank - 1 Matches - 0 Points - 1:3 Goals - Regionalliga Nord  :Platzierung

Squad of ESV Fortuna Celle
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
22 Jaqueline Lange GER - 2016 - ?
3 Saskia Knorr 35 GER - ?
0 Lea Krug GER - ?
0 Linda Leier GER - ?
14 Sinja Jaskulla 34 GER - ?
7 Sarah Konrad GER - ?
0 Jennifer Brase 27 GER - ?
0 Aileen Holz GER - ?
0 Frederike Fiebig - ?
16 Laura Kantert 32 GER - ?
9 Lisa Zimmermann 27 GER - 2014 ?

Trainer of ESV Fortuna Celle
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Klaus Verseck GER Trainer ?
last 5 matchups
27.04.2014 Fortuna Celle SFWA 4:0
03.11.2013 SFWA Fortuna Celle 1:3

balance sheet of ESV Fortuna Celle against SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
  Matches draw SFWA
Home 1 1 0 0
Away 1 1 0 0
Total 2 2 0 0

Last 5 results: ESV Fortuna Celle
13.05.2018 Burg Gretesch Fortuna Celle 2:0
10.05.2018 Fortuna Celle Meppen II 3:3
06.05.2018 Henstedt II Fortuna Celle 1:1
29.04.2018 Fortuna Celle TSV Limmer 1:0
22.04.2018 FC St. Pauli Fortuna Celle 2:2

Last 5 results: SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
18.05.2014 SF Wüsting Ahlerstedt 1:0
11.05.2014 FC Bergedorf SF Wüsting 12:0
04.05.2014 SF Wüsting E. Immenbeck 0:5
27.04.2014 Fortuna Celle SF Wüsting 4:0
06.04.2014 SF Wüsting Holstein Kiel 0:12

Top 3 Goal scorers: ESV Fortuna Celle
Lisa Zimmermann 18 Appearances 12 Goals
Laura Kantert 13 Appearances 3 Goals
Sinja Jaskulla 11 Appearances 1 Goals

Top 3 Goal scorers: SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
Mirja Budde 15 Appearances 3 Goals
Sabrina Warns 15 Appearances 2 Goals
Maren Genke 5 Appearances 1 Goals
Squad of SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
22 TW Berrit Kienelt 40 GER - ?
0 Nina Harms GER - ?
17 Sonja Meyer 40 GER - 2002 ?
0 Vanessa Tramp GER - ?
7 RV Mirja Budde 31 GER - 2012 - ?
16 IV Sarah Hedenkamp 38 GER - ?
0 IV Celina Reinkober 31 GER - 2011 ?
0 Natascha Helms 31 GER - 2011 - ?
0 Sarah Ulferts GER - ?
0 Sarah Suhr - ?
0 Sarah Helmts GER - ?
0 Stephanie Damke 35 GER - ?
0 Nadine Bakenhus 29 GER - ?
17 Marina Klys 38 GER - ?
0 Yvonne Bomas GER - ?
18 Caroline Engler 39 GER - 2011 ?
0 Mareike Zywina GER - ?
5 Josefine Holsten 36 1,68 GER - 2013 - ?
3 Stephanie Rückleben 35 GER - 2010 ?
13 Marion Saathoff 48 GER - ?
7 ZM Yvonne Unruh 46 GER - 1996 ?
12 OM Jennifer Corssen 32 GER - 2007 ?
10 OM Ann-Katrin Döring 36 GER - 2002 ?
5 DM Karen Bisanz 49 GER - ?
14 Nicole Poker 42 GER - 2007 ?
4 Andrea Schumacher 43 GER - 1998 ?
0 Sina Claußen GER - ?
0 Annika Carstens GER - ?
0 Anne Peters GER - ?
0 Rieke Feldhus GER - ?
0 Svenja Bruhn GER - ?
0 Kira-Lysan Meyer 29 GER - ?
8 Saskia Ewert 42 GER - 2004 ?
14 Sabrina Warns 29 GER - ?
20 Britta Restemeyer 38 GER - 2011 ?
0 Kim-Lea Birkholz GER - ?
0 Sylvia McDonald 51 GER - ?
0 Franziska Riedel GER - ?
0 Wiebke Paradies GER - ?
0 Sina Kunst GER - ?
0 Ines Böhlmann GER - ?
2 Daniela Schmidt 41 GER - ?
0 Simone Heinemann GER - ?
13 MS Maren Genke 48 GER - 2007 ?
9 Sarah Dörgeloh 32 GER - ?
0 Heike Wenke-Stasiak 56 GER - ?
15 Monika Slota 31 GER - ?
0 Lisa Oberbeck 34 GER - ?

Trainer of SF Wüsting-Altmoorhausen
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Sylvia McDonald 51 GER Trainer 0 ?

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