FC Vendenheim - FCF Hénin-Beaumont
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  13 (1 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  27.7 years
Founded:  00.00.1974
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Première Ligue - 2. Match day
So, 09.09.2007 - 15:00
Stade Municipal Waldeck
Total capacity: 3.000
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
30 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
42.8 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet

Squad of FC Vendenheim
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
16 TW Marine Louet 24 FRA - 2020 - ?
17 Chloé Barlogis 32 1,64 FRA - 2019 - ?
34 Marion Bertrand 39 FRA - 2021 ?
33 Tatiana Schmitt 28 FRA - 2020 - ?
15 Laurence L'Huillier 36 1,59 FRA - 2019 - ?
6 Clara Foerderer 24 FRA - 2020 - ?
0 Kenza Daheur 22 FRA - ?
0 Moly Trunkwald 22 FRA - ?
11 Élise Tschaenn 27 FRA - 2020 - ?
35 Mégane Muller 31 FRA - 2016 - ?
0 Elizaveta Danilova 28 RUS - 2022 - ?
0 Zoé Sittler 21 FRA - ?
34 Clara Cremmel 21 FRA - 2021 ?

Trainer of FC Vendenheim
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Nicolas Both 42 FRA Trainer 01.07.2018 ?
last 5 matchups
15.01.2012 Hénin-Beaumont FCV 4:2
02.10.2011 FCV Hénin-Beaumont 7:0
01.02.2009 Hénin-Beaumont FCV 1:1
20.01.2008 Hénin-Beaumont FCV 0:2
09.09.2007 FCV Hénin-Beaumont 7:0

balance sheet of FC Vendenheim against FCF Hénin-Beaumont
  Matches FCV draw
Home 5 3 0 2
Away 5 2 1 2
Total 10 5 1 4

Last 5 results: FC Vendenheim
24.11.2024 AS Nancy FC Vendenheim 1:0
19.11.2023 AS Nancy FC Vendenheim 2:1
20.11.2022 FC Vendenheim Évian 1:7
22.05.2022 Le Havre AC FC Vendenheim 4:0
08.05.2022 FC Vendenheim ESOFV La Roche 1:3

Last 5 results: FCF Hénin-Beaumont
19.11.2023 Hénin-Beaumont RC Lens 0:2
01.06.2014 Olympique Lyon Hénin-Beaumont 7:0
25.05.2014 Hénin-Beaumont AS Muret 7:0
18.05.2014 FCF Juvisy Hénin-Beaumont 3:0
20.04.2014 Paris SG Hénin-Beaumont 11:0

Squad of FCF Hénin-Beaumont
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
30 TW Maureen Staquet 33 FRA - 2011 ?
0 Séverine T´Joen 46 FRA - ?
0 Sarah Dragon 45 FRA - ?
3 Justine Mellin 31 1,65 FRA - ?
0 Marie-Claude Herlem 41 FRA - ?
0 Stéphanie Jedrzejewski 52 FRA - ?
0 Véronique Picard 60 FRA - ?
0 Marie-Hélene Olivier 51 FRA - ?
0 Marie-Andreé Replan 49 FRA - ?
0 Noémie Leroy 30 FRA - ?
22 Aline Gossart 30 FRA - ?
5 Charlotte Blanchot 28 FRA - ?
0 Aurélie Piosek-Lauridant 33 1,63 FRA - 2021 - ?
0 Cathy Wiplie 53 FRA - ?
0 Dorothée Boufflers 52 FRA - ?
0 Sylvie Poirier 56 FRA - ?
0 Marjorie Willaumez 43 FRA - ?
0 Véronique Delliaux 55 FRA - ?
0 Catherine Bailleul 38 FRA - ?
0 Nasha Amrane 38 FRA - ?
0 Cécilia Direnzo 33 FRA - ?
0 Christelle Berdin 43 FRA - ?
0 Marie Cestari 37 FRA - ?
0 Céline Guilbert 49 FRA - ?
0 Sandra Czekala 50 FRA - ?
0 Cindy Moulin-Degremont 48 FRA - ?
0 Kimberly Lawniczak 31 FRA - ?
0 Aurélie Wastyn 46 FRA - ?
0 Dounia Akhazroun 38 FRA - ?
9 Estelle Ancemont 30 1,61 FRA - ?

Trainer of FCF Hénin-Beaumont
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Yannick Ansart 45 FRA Trainer ?

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