AS Montigny - FCF Juvisy (-2017)
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  12 (2 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  38.3 years
Founded:  00.00.0000
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Première Ligue - 10. Match day
So, 24.01.2010 - 15:00

Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
1 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
30.6 years  :ø-Age
01.01.1985  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet

Squad of AS Montigny
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 Manon Pourtalet 32 FRA - 2012 - ?
0 Cynthia Tombosoa Solondrazan 30 FRA - ?
0 Rachelle Bracchi 50 CIV - ?
0 Elise Bruneau 35 FRA - ?
0 Marie Dubreucq 39 FRA - ?
0 Flore Essone 43 GAB - ?
0 Linda Pannetier 44 FRA - ?
0 Anaïs Gasteau 34 FRA - ?
0 Lydie Get 41 FRA - ?
0 Alia Hamsi 32 FRA - ?
0 Hélène Klein 41 FRA - ?
0 Fanny Morvan 33 FRA - ?
last 5 matchups
06.06.2010 FCFJ Montigny 4:0

balance sheet of AS Montigny against FCF Juvisy (-2017)
  Matches draw FCFJ
Home 0
Away 1 0 0 1
Total 1 0 0 1

Last 5 results: AS Montigny
13.06.2010 Montigny Olympique Lyon 0:5
06.06.2010 FCF Juvisy Montigny 4:0
16.05.2010 Stade Briochin Montigny 2:1
02.05.2010 Montigny Toulouse FC 1:1
18.04.2010 Paris SG Montigny 6:0

Last 5 results: FCF Juvisy (-2017)
27.05.2017 FCF Juvisy Ol. Marseille 2:1
14.05.2017 Bordeaux FCF Juvisy 1:1
07.05.2017 FCF Juvisy EA Guingamp 2:1
23.04.2017 FCF Juvisy Rodez AF 1:1
02.04.2017 ASJ Soyaux FCF Juvisy 1:1

Squad of FCF Juvisy (-2017)
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
30 TW Dina Jeanjean 30 1,70 FRA - 2015 - ?

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