Curzon Ashton LFC - Coventry United (-2023)
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  16 (1 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  32.1 years
Founded:  00.00.1988
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  10. rank - 18 Matches - 13 Points - 22:38 Goals - Premier League Northern Division
Premier League Northern Division - 4. Match day
So, 26.09.2010 - 15:00
Tameside Stadium
Total capacity: 4.000
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
3 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
19.0 years  :ø-Age
01.07.2015  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet
2. rank - 18 Matches - 41 Points - 45:22 Goals - Premier League Northern Division  :Platzierung

Squad of Curzon Ashton LFC
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Freya Lees ENG - ?
0 LV Elizabeth Baird 42 ENG - ?
0 IV Kellie-Ann Leyland 38 1,65 NIR - 2008 ?
0 Jessica Couser 31 ENG - ?
0 Charlotte Robertson 36 1,65 ENG - ?
0 Claire Harrop 45 ENG - ?
0 ZM Carla Cleworth 36 1,71 ENG - 2005 ?
0 Sarah Cummings 32 1,55 ENG - ?
0 Rebecca Lee 34 ENG - ?
0 Patrice Shirley ENG - ?
0 Kimberley Seddon 31 ENG - ?
0 Kate Bryan 34 ENG - ?
0 Emma Lambourne 35 ENG - ?
0 Nicola Maylett 45 ENG - ?
0 Anna Payne 33 1,75 ENG - ?
0 Leanne Skarratt 34 ENG - ?

Trainer of Curzon Ashton LFC
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Mark Bradshaw 55 ENG Trainer ?
last 5 matchups
27.03.2011 CCLFC CA LFC 2:1
26.09.2010 CA LFC CCLFC 0:4

balance sheet of Curzon Ashton LFC against Coventry United (-2023)
  Matches CA LFC draw CCLFC
Home 1 0 0 1
Away 1 0 0 1
Total 2 0 0 2

Last 5 results: Curzon Ashton LFC
03.11.2024 Curzon Ashton Chester Town FC 0:1
24.04.2011 Curzon Ashton Newcastle Utd 0:3
17.04.2011 Aston Villa Curzon Ashton 1:0
14.04.2011 Rochdale Ladies Curzon Ashton 2:2
12.04.2011 Curzon Ashton Preston NEWFC 4:2

Last 5 results: Coventry United (-2023)
30.04.2023 London City Coventry United 9:0
23.04.2023 Coventry United Southampton FC 0:4
16.04.2023 Coventry United Sheffield Utd 0:4
02.04.2023 Lewes FC Coventry United 1:1
26.03.2023 Coventry United Birmingham City 0:1

Squad of Coventry United (-2023)
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Jodie Whiteman ENG - 2022 - ?
3 LV Megan Alexander 31 ENG - 2022 ?
14 Keeley Davies 25 ENG - 2020 ?

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