TSV Klausdorf - TSV Siems
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  26 (0 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  10.8 years
Founded:  00.00.0000
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Oberliga Schleswig-Holstein - 5. Match day
Sa, 01.10.2022 - 17:00
Aubrook Platz B
Total capacity: 0
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
10 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
3.3 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet

Squad of TSV Klausdorf
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
22 Anna-Lena Krohn GER - ?
22 Elise Holst GER - ?
1 Katrin Fehlau 30 GER - ?
6 RV Janne Wensien 28 GER - ?
25 Sünje Fuhrmann GER - ?
18 Svenja Bödeker 43 GER - ?
13 Patricia Thedens 1,69 GER - ?
5 Antonia Ingrid Paustian GER - ?
0 Annika Liedtke GER - ?
2 Jasmin Sommer 26 GER - 2023 - ?
21 Anna Charlotte Selk GER - 2022 - ?
16 Marie-Christin Schumacher 25 GER - 2022 - ?
26 ZM Carina Wolfgramm 35 1,58 GER - 2019 - ?
12 DM Mareike Thomas GER - 2022 ?
0 Nadine Theißen GER - ?
14 Vanessa Vetter GER - ?
19 Hannah Kaschner GER - ?
0 Anna Maria Schwee GER - ?
10 Jenny Zietz GER - ?
24 Finja Schnaars GER - ?
17 Denise Grußendorf 30 GER - ?
4 Jill-Emilia Biesold GER - 2023 - ?
15 Lea Arend GER - ?
11 Jasmin Duhnke 28 GER - ?
0 Finja Strietzel GER - ?
27 Denise Jakubowski 31 GER - 2022 - ?

Trainer of TSV Klausdorf
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Kevin Duhnke GER Trainer ?
last 5 matchups
07.10.2023 TSV 5:1
22.04.2023 TSV 7:1
01.10.2022 TSV 4:2

balance sheet of TSV Klausdorf against TSV Siems
  Matches TSV draw
Home 1 1 0 0
Away 2 0 0 2
Total 3 1 0 2

Last 5 results: TSV Klausdorf
18.05.2024 Audorf/Felde TSV Klausdorf 2:1
12.05.2024 Hademarschen TSV Klausdorf 0:1
04.05.2024 SV Frisia 03 TSV Klausdorf 1:1
27.04.2024 TSV Klausdorf Stockelsdorf 1:0
21.04.2024 H. Kiel II TSV Klausdorf 0:7

Last 5 results: TSV Siems
26.11.2023 Ahrensburg TSV Siems 2:2
18.11.2023 TSV Siems Ahrensburg 2:2
28.10.2023 SV Frisia 03 TSV Siems 5:2
21.10.2023 TSV Siems Stockelsdorf 6:1
15.10.2023 H. Kiel II TSV Siems 1:5

Top 3 Goal scorers: TSV Klausdorf
Jenny Zietz 2 Appearances 2 Goals
Denise Jakubowski 2 Appearances 1 Goals

Squad of TSV Siems
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
1 Johanna Jacobi 33 GER - ?
5 Emily Benthien GER - 2022 ?
4 Johanna Sura GER - ?
15 Linn-Christine Hopp GER - ?
9 Saskia Schunowski GER - ?
0 Sarah Masch GER - ?
14 Charlotte Wellershaus GER - ?
16 Paula Hildebrand GER - 2023 - ?
18 Clara Schneider GER - ?
22 Fiona Wiemann GER - ?

Trainer of TSV Siems
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Mario Markmann GER Trainer ?

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