ŽNK Ljubljana Slovenia


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 07.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of ŽNK Ljubljana in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Pamela Begič Pamela Begič
Goalkeeper, 30 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Eva Vamberger Eva Vamberger
Goalkeeper, 30 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Lara Klopčič Lara Klopčič
Defence, 23 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Mirjam Kastelec Mirjam Kastelec
Midfield, 22 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Gala Dasovič Ravnik Gala Dasovič Ravnik
Midfield, 18 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Patria Steklačič Patria Steklačič
Striker, 21 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Katjuša Kern Katjuša Kern
Striker, 18 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana
Tjaša Tibaut Tjaša Tibaut
Striker, 36 years
Slovenia ŽNK Ljubljana