Napoli Femminile Italy

 Serie A   Serie A Poule Salvezza   Coppa Italia   
 Napoli Femminile U19   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2014.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Napoli Femminile in the season 2013/2014

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Alessia Parnoffi Alessia Parnoffi
Goalkeeper, 15 years
Italy vereinslos
Sabina Radu Sabina Radu
Goalkeeper, 24 years
Romania Karriereende
Lucia El Dahaibiová Lucia El Dahaibiová
Goalkeeper (TW), 25 years
Slovakia Karriereende
Paola Cuciniello Paola Cuciniello
Defence, 16 years
Italy Freedom FC Women
Paola Di Marino Paola Di Marino
Defence, 19 years
Italy Napoli Femminile
Roberta Filippozzi Roberta Filippozzi
Defence, 22 years
Italy Karriereende
Emanuela Schioppo Emanuela Schioppo
Defence, 22 years
Italy Karriereende
Arianna Strisciante Arianna Strisciante
Defence, 20 years
Italy vereinslos
Valentina Esposito Valentina Esposito
Defence, 27 years
Italy vereinslos
Manuela Rapuano Manuela Rapuano
Defence, 21 years
Italy vereinslos
Flavia Spigno Flavia Spigno
Defence, 19 years
Italy vereinslos
Emanuela Di Maro Emanuela Di Maro
Midfield, 21 years
Italy vereinslos
Caterina Kensboch Caterina Kensboch
Midfield, 25 years
Italy vereinslos
Roberta Giuliano Roberta Giuliano
Midfield, 24 years
Italy vereinslos
Myriam Grieco Myriam Grieco
Midfield, 18 years
Italy vereinslos
Roberta Diodato Roberta Diodato
Midfield, 19 years
Italy vereinslos
Anna Cafiero Anna Cafiero
Midfield, 19 years
Italy vereinslos
Carmela Basile Carmela Basile
Striker, 19 years
Italy vereinslos
Elisa Ascolese Elisa Ascolese
Striker, 18 years
Italy vereinslos
Rossella Cuomo Rossella Cuomo
Striker, 16 years
Italy vereinslos
Valeria Pirone Valeria Pirone
Striker, 25 years
Italy Ternana Calcio
Giorgia Di Muro Giorgia Di Muro
Italy vereinslos
Alessia Tagliaferri Alessia Tagliaferri
Striker, 17 years
Italy vereinslos
Rossella Rosa Vitale Rossella Rosa Vitale
Striker, 22 years
Italy vereinslos
Giusy Moraca Giusy Moraca
Striker, 19 years
Italy Ternana Calcio

Foreign players: 2 (8,0 %)

Serie A 2013/2014

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
12  - Calcio Chiasiellis (-2014) 30 26 -32
13  - Femminile Inter Milano (-2018) 30 24 -31
14  - Napoli Femminile 30 23 -48
15  - AFD Grifo Perugia 30 14 -64
16  - CF Scalese 30 10 -119

Other 2013/2014

Top 3 Goal scorers
Valeria Pirone Valeria Pirone
Striker, 36 years
2 Goals
Roberta Filippozzi Roberta Filippozzi
Defence, 33 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2013/2014

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2013/2014

Back Matches Next
Serie A - 1. Match day
29.09.13 - 14:00
Brescia CF 3:1
Napoli Femminile
Brescia CF   Napoli Femminile

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Corrado Sorrentino Corrado Sorrentino
Coach, ?
- 01.08.2013 28.02.2014 vereinslos -