MB Miðvágur Faroe Island


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of MB Miðvágur in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Elisabeth Haraldsen Elisabeth Haraldsen
Goalkeeper, 31 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Marin E. á Høgabóli Marin E. á Høgabóli
Goalkeeper, 36 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Beinta Ellefsen Beinta Ellefsen
Defence, 16 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Herborg Gaardlykke Herborg Gaardlykke
Defence, 19 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Halla Herdalur Poulsen Halla Herdalur Poulsen
Defence, 15 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Edit Vildtfeldt Edit Vildtfeldt
Defence, 17 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Elin Ásvør Debes Elin Ásvør Debes
Defence, 16 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Johnhild á Løgmansbø Johnhild á Løgmansbø
Defence, 42 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Óluva Joensen Óluva Joensen
Midfield, 19 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Nathaly Silva Nathaly Silva
Midfield, 18 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Sylvia Vár Krossá Davidsen Sylvia Vár Krossá Davidsen
Midfield, 18 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Jórunn Døgg Jørgensen Jórunn Døgg Jørgensen
Midfield, 18 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Vár í Ólastovu Árnastein Vár í Ólastovu Árnastein
Midfield, 33 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Marita Berg Marita Berg
Midfield, 19 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Hanna Klein Hanna Klein
Midfield, 18 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Sigrið Jacobsen Sigrið Jacobsen
Midfield, 28 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Tóra Rúnadóttir Tóra Rúnadóttir
Striker, 16 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Sunneva Elin Gaardlykke Sunneva Elin Gaardlykke
Striker, 15 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Anita í Soylu Anita í Soylu
Striker, 35 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Jóhanna Haraldsen Jóhanna Haraldsen
Striker, 15 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur
Bjørg Bláberg Bjørg Bláberg
Striker, 17 years
Faroe Island MB Miðvágur


1. Deild kvinnur 2020/2021

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- B36 Tórshavn II 14 16 -1
- Víkingur Gøta II 15 16 -11
- KÍ Klaksvik II 15 14 -28
- Skála ÍF II 13 13 -8
10  - MB Miðvágur 6 0 -54

Matches 2020/2021

Back Matches Next
1. Deild kvinnur - 1. Match day
28.03.21 - 14:00
ÍF Fuglafjørður 10:0
MB Miðvágur
ÍF Fuglafjørður   MB Miðvágur

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Per Agerholm Per Agerholm
Coach, 32 years
28 01.01.2021 - MB Miðvágur -