Luxemburg U17 Luxembourg

 U17 EM Qualifikation Liga B   
 Luxemburg   Luxemburg U19   Luxemburg U16   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Luxemburg U17 in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Isabel Blanco Hayles Isabel Blanco Hayles
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
ENT Pfaffenthal/Steinsel
Zoé Teixeira Zoé Teixeira
Defence, 17 years
Luxembourg Racing FC Union
Joy Weber Joy Weber
Defence, 16 years
Luxembourg Juniorenmannschaft (männlich)
Lena Alves Lena Alves
Striker, 17 years
Luxembourg TuS Issel
Maylis Cabral Tavares Maylis Cabral Tavares
Striker, 16 years
Luxembourg FC Mamer 32
Mayssa Naffouti Mayssa Naffouti
Striker, 16 years
Luxembourg ENT Wincrange/Wiltz


The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
U17 EM Qualifikation Liga B group stage

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Cristina Correia Cristina Correia
Coach, 43 years
43 01.07.2023 - Luxemburg U17 to player profile