Lettland U17 Latvia

 U17 EM Qualifikation Liga B   
 Lettland   Lettland U19   Lettland U16   Lettland U15   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 21.03.2023.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Lettland U17 in the season 2022/2023

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Madara Matrevica Madara Matrevica
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Latvia FS Metta
Elza Renāte Strazdiņa Elza Renāte Strazdiņa
Goalkeeper (TW), 16 years
Latvia Riga FC Women
Katrīna Augustāne Katrīna Augustāne
Defence, 17 years
Latvia FS Metta
Rendija Baltrušaite Rendija Baltrušaite
Defence, 15 years
Latvia FK Iecava/DFS
Linda Mergupe-Kutraite Linda Mergupe-Kutraite
Defence, 16 years
Latvia vereinslos
Ingūna Buldure Ingūna Buldure
Defence, 16 years
Latvia BFC Daugavpils
Līva Šteinberga Līva Šteinberga
Defence, 15 years
Latvia Riga FC Women
Krista Rūja Krista Rūja
Defence, 16 years
Latvia FK Olaine
Loreta Auziņa Loreta Auziņa
Midfield, 17 years
Latvia FK Olaine
Evelīna Jaunslaviete Evelīna Jaunslaviete
Midfield, 16 years
Latvia FK Auda
Sofija Gluščuka Sofija Gluščuka
Midfield, 16 years
Latvia Riga FC Women
Katrīna Garanča Katrīna Garanča
Midfield, 15 years
Latvia Riga FC Women
Uma Upīte Uma Upīte
Midfield, 15 years
Latvia FS Metta
Kristiāna Punga Kristiāna Punga
Midfield, 16 years
Latvia FK Olaine
Samanta Laškova Samanta Laškova
Midfield, 15 years
Latvia FK Auda
Nikola Preijere Nikola Preijere
Midfield, 15 years
Latvia Riga FC Women
Patrīcija Brazauska Patrīcija Brazauska
Midfield, 17 years
Latvia FK Iecava/DFS
Nikola Pinčuka Nikola Pinčuka
Striker, 15 years
Latvia RFS Women
Paula Dzene Paula Dzene
Striker, 15 years
Latvia FS Metta
Elīza Sīpola Elīza Sīpola
Striker, 16 years
Latvia FS Metta
Alise Baltrušaite Alise Baltrušaite
Striker, 15 years
Latvia FK Iecava/DFS
Anna Belova Anna Belova
Striker (RA), 15 years
Latvia RFS Women


The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
U17 EM Qualifikation Liga B group stage

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Rihards Gorkšs Rihards Gorkšs
Coach, 37 years
35 14.02.2023 - Lettland U17 -
Liene Vāciete Liene Vāciete
Coach, 33 years
31 13.05.2020 14.02.2023 Lettland to player profile