DFC Leoben II - Ladies Preding
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  4 (0 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  7.4 years
Founded:  07.06.1977
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  4. rank - 22 Matches - 42 Points - 79:53 Goals - Landesliga des Steirischen Verbandes
Landesliga des Steirischen Verbandes - 10. Match day
So, 28.10.2012 - 00:00

Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
20 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
4.8 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet
11. rank - 22 Matches - 16 Points - 30:101 Goals - Landesliga des Steirischen Verbandes  :Platzierung

Squad of DFC Leoben II
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 Kerstin Kampichler 29 AUT - ?
0 Julia Mayer AUT - ?
17 Nadine Jenhof AUT - ?
0 Nicole Galitschitsch AUT - 2013 - ?

Trainer of DFC Leoben II
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Christian Erker 51 AUT Trainer ?
last 5 matchups
15.08.2013 DFCLII La.Pr. 4:1
26.05.2013 La.Pr. DFCLII 3:5
28.10.2012 DFCLII La.Pr. 6:2

balance sheet of DFC Leoben II against Ladies Preding
  Matches DFCLII draw La.Pr.
Home 2 2 0 0
Away 1 1 0 0
Total 3 3 0 0

Last 5 results: DFC Leoben II
26.10.2013 SV Gössendorf DFC Leoben II 1:4
23.09.2013 USV Hatzendorf DFC Leoben II 4:0
15.09.2013 DFC Leoben II Hof bei Straden 1:1
09.09.2013 DFC Leoben II SC St. Ruprecht 5:0
08.09.2013 TUS Krieglach DFC Leoben II 5:0

Last 5 results: Ladies Preding
03.06.2023 Wiener SC Ladies Preding 2:0
28.05.2023 Ladies Preding SPG Lustenau 0:6
24.05.2023 SV Horn Ladies Preding 6:0
18.05.2023 RW Rankweil Ladies Preding 3:1
13.05.2023 Ladies Preding Union LUV Graz 3:6

Squad of Ladies Preding
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
1 TW Julia Pichler 27 AUT - 2016 - ?
31 Melanie Zirngast AUT - 2019 - ?
3 Sigrid Wolf AUT - 2016 ?
0 Andrea Lanzl AUT - 2021 ?
20 Alica Melitta Frühwirth AUT - 2020 ?
5 Astrid Schlager AUT - 2016 ?
9 Lidija Rozic AUT - 2019 ?
15 Selina Baumann AUT - 2016 ?
4 Anna-Maria Sertling AUT - 2017 ?
2 Lara Senler 19 AUT - 2022 - ?
0 Tijana Icanovic 21 AUT - 2022 - ?
0 Denise Prettenthaler AUT - 2023 - ?
7 Julia Weichhart AUT - 2019 ?
25 Nina Gritsch AUT - 2018 ?
14 Lena Höller AUT - 2020 ?
19 Nicole Barbara Klug AUT - 2021 ?
13 Petra Pölzl AUT - 2016 ?
18 Lena Harzl AUT - 2016 ?
12 Ruth Schlager 28 AUT - 2016 - ?
18 Johanna Maier AUT - 2020 ?

Trainer of Ladies Preding
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Michael Brezina AUT Trainer 14.07.2018 ?

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