Tartu JK Tammeka

77 Nicole Kelli

Tartu JK Tammeka , Naiste Meistriliiga (Estonia)
Current national player: Estland U17
Lisandra Rannasto Annamarii Tamm

The profile for Nicole Kelli

Nicole Kelli
Photo: unknown
Date of birth: 26.05.2008
Age: 16
Nationality: - Estonia
Position: Midfield
Market value: unknown
Debut (Club): 05.10.2023

National team career

SN National team Matches Goals
- - Estland U17 12 1
- - Estland U15 6 2

Performance info for this season

Competition Matches - - - - -
Meistriliiga 20 3 - 6 10 1286 
Meistriliiga Championship Round 5 1 - - 2 402 
Total:  25 4 - 6 12 1688 

 to full performance data