Juventus FC U19 Italy

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The age of the players and the staff is referring to 21.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Juventus FC U19 in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Viola Sossai Viola Sossai
Goalkeeper (TW), 16 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Carola Verano Carola Verano
Italy Juventus FC U19
Giulia Martinazzi Giulia Martinazzi
Italy Juventus FC U19
Emma Mustafic Emma Mustafic
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Martina Tosello Martina Tosello
Defence, 17 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Shara Grillo Shara Grillo
Italy Juventus FC U19
Michela Mariotti Michela Mariotti
Defence, 16 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Carolina Bertora Carolina Bertora
Italy Juventus FC U19
Gaia Massa Boa Gaia Massa Boa
Defence, 17 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Elisa Bertero Elisa Bertero
Defence, 16 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Micol Casella Micol Casella
Italy Juventus FC U19
Simona Davico Simona Davico
Defence, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Martina Cocino Martina Cocino
Defence, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC
Valentina Piccardi Valentina Piccardi
Midfield, 16 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Giorgia Termentini Giorgia Termentini
Midfield, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Aurora Ruggeri Aurora Ruggeri
Italy Juventus FC U19
Anna Copelli Anna Copelli
Midfield, 17 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Amaranta Agazzi Amaranta Agazzi
Striker, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Viola Volpini Viola Volpini
Italy Juventus FC U19
Valentina Sardo Valentina Sardo
Striker, 19 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Eleonora Ferraresi Eleonora Ferraresi
Striker, 17 years
Italy Juventus FC
Alice Ferrari Alice Ferrari
Striker, 20 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Marta Zamboni Marta Zamboni
Striker, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19
Greta Bellagente Greta Bellagente
Striker, 18 years
Italy Juventus FC U19


Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Marco Bruzzano Marco Bruzzano
Coach, ?
- 11.07.2024 - Juventus FC U19 -
Sandy Iannella Sandy Iannella
Assistant coach, 37 years
37 11.07.2024 - Juventus FC U19 to player profile