Herforder SV U17 Germany - Fußball-und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen

 Herforder SV II   Herforder SV Jugend   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2013.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Herforder SV U17 in the season 2012/2013

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Florentine Rudloff Florentine Rudloff
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Germany 1. FC Magdeburg
Nena Husemann Nena Husemann
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Germany SC Bielefeld 04/26
Ülkay Kollu Ülkay Kollu
Goalkeeper (TW), 15 years
BV Werther
Meike Delissen Meike Delissen
Defence (IV), 16 years
Germany SC Vlotho
Jill Eis Jill Eis
Defence (IV), 14 years
Germany SV Blau-Weiß Aasee
Nele Körtner Nele Körtner
Defence (IV), 16 years
Germany Rot-Weiß Rehme
Katharina Krause Katharina Krause
Defence (IV), 15 years
Germany FC Geestland II
Lena Abraham Lena Abraham
Defence (IV), 16 years
Germany ATS Buntentor
Leonie Heitlindemann Leonie Heitlindemann
Defence (LV), 14 years
Germany Arminia Bielefeld
Elena Auinger Elena Auinger
Defence (RV), 16 years
Germany Fortuna Wuppertal
Lena Störmer Lena Störmer
Defence (LV), 16 years
Germany Arminia Bielefeld II
Laureen Brilka Laureen Brilka
Defence (IV), 17 years
Germany Arminia Bielefeld II
G. Markja G. Markja
Midfield (OM)
Germany Karriereende
Jacqueline Gerdom Jacqueline Gerdom
Midfield, 14 years
Germany unbekannt
Lea Grabowski Lea Grabowski
Midfield (ZM), 16 years
Germany FC Unteres Kalletal
Nina Neumann Nina Neumann
Midfield (OM), 14 years
Germany SC Dortelweil
Lisa Lösch Lisa Lösch
Midfield (ZM) -, 16 years
Germany Arminia Bielefeld
Michelle Oberschelp Michelle Oberschelp
Midfield, 16 years
Germany Karriereende
Viviane Stüer Viviane Stüer
Midfield (OM), 15 years
Germany TSV Jahn Calden II
Lea Althof Lea Althof
Midfield (ZM), 16 years
Germany Holstein Kiel
Pia Salzmann Pia Salzmann
Striker, 15 years
Germany Herforder SV
Orsolya Dencz Orsolya Dencz
Striker (OM), 16 years
Hungary Budaörsi SC
Awas Derbas Awas Derbas
Striker (OM), 17 years
TSG Holzhausen-Sylbach
Jacqueline Prange Jacqueline Prange
Striker (RM), 15 years
Germany Spvg Steinhagen
Michelle Rösener Michelle Rösener
Striker, 16 years
Germany SV Kutenhausen-Todtenhausen
Hannah Lankes Hannah Lankes
Striker, 15 years
Germany unbekannt

Foreign players: 3 (11,5 %)

B-Juniorinnen-Bundesliga West/Südwest 2012/2013

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Bayer 04 Leverkusen U17 18 23 -5
- SC 13 Bad Neuenahr U17 18 22 -5
- Herforder SV U17 18 15 -12
- Borussia Mönchengladbach U17 18 11 -32
10  - MSV Duisburg U17 18 2 -55

Other 2012/2013

Top 3 Goal scorers
Michelle Rösener Michelle Rösener
Striker, 28 years
9 Goals
Laureen Brilka Laureen Brilka
Defence, 29 years
2 Goals
Orsolya Dencz Orsolya Dencz
Striker, 28 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2012/2013

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2012/2013

Back Matches Next
B-Juniorinnen-Bundesliga West/Südwest - 1. Match day
25.08.12 - 14:00
Herforder SV U17 1:1
SC 13 Bad Neuenahr U17
Herforder SV U17   SC 13 Bad Neuenahr U17

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Björn Kenter Björn Kenter
Coach, 52 years
40 01.07.2011 30.06.2014 vereinslos -