FV Löchgau Germany - Württembergischer Fußball-Verband


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 20.03.2023.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FV Löchgau in the season 2022/2023

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Julia Müller Julia Müller
Goalkeeper, 23 years
Germany SV Leingarten
Emilie Schlundt Emilie Schlundt
FV Löchgau
Cinja Lehmann Cinja Lehmann
Germany SG Roßwag Großglattbach
Sophie Horn Sophie Horn
Defence (LV), 16 years
Germany North Dakota State Bison
Lisa Braun Lisa Braun
Defence, 16 years
Germany FV Löchgau U17
Emilia Jaisle Emilia Jaisle
Defence, 19 years
Germany FV Löchgau
Zoe Müller Zoe Müller
Defence, 18 years
Germany Grace Lancers
Anne Voellner Anne Voellner
Defence, 21 years
Germany Vorwärts Spoho Köln
Luisa Zejnaj Luisa Zejnaj
Germany FV Löchgau
Sofie Serosi Sofie Serosi
Defence, 25 years
Germany FV 09 Niefern
Charlott Sophie Altmann Charlott Sophie Altmann
Germany FV Löchgau
Katharina Zechling Katharina Zechling
TSV Schafhausen
Sina Feeser Sina Feeser
Midfield, 20 years
Germany SC Blau-Weiß 06 Köln
Kathrin Schmoll Kathrin Schmoll
TGV Dürrenzimmern
Mia Hommel Mia Hommel
Germany TSV Neuenstein
Lara Prakljacic Lara Prakljacic
FV Löchgau
Christina Lako Christina Lako
Midfield, 24 years
Germany SV Leingarten
Tabea Holzhäuer Tabea Holzhäuer
Midfield, 19 years
Germany SV Horrheim
Annika Wertsch Annika Wertsch
Germany SGM Neckarwestheim ABI
Pia Altmann Pia Altmann
Germany TSV Lustnau
Juanna Martiniano Gwozdz Juanna Martiniano Gwozdz
Midfield, 20 years
FSV 08 Bietigheim-Bissingen
Luisa Schmid Luisa Schmid
Striker, 19 years
Germany FV Löchgau
Marita Leimbach Marita Leimbach
Germany Mount Royal Cougars
Ilire Shala Ilire Shala
Striker, 19 years
Germany FV Löchgau
Sarah Horn Sarah Horn
Striker, 16 years
Germany North Dakota State Bison
Patricia Lopez Patricia Lopez
Striker, 29 years
Germany SGM Neckarwestheim ABI
Sanja Holetic Sanja Holetic
Striker, 28 years
Croatia Herrenteam

Foreign players: 6 (22,2 %)

Oberliga Baden-Württemberg 2022/2023

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
10  - 1. FC Mühlhausen 25 26 -24
11  - TSV Amicitia Viernheim 25 23 -15
12  - SV Deggenhausertal 25 10 -55
13  - FV Löchgau 25 6 -99
14  - TSV Crailsheim (-2022) 13 0 -25

Other 2022/2023

Top 3 Goal scorers
Juanna Martiniano Gwozdz Juanna Martiniano Gwozdz
Midfield, 22 years
6 Goals
Emilia Jaisle Emilia Jaisle
Defence, 21 years
4 Goals
Sanja Holetic Sanja Holetic
Striker, 30 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2022/2023

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2022/2023

Back Matches Next
Oberliga Baden-Württemberg - 1. Match day
04.09.22 - 15:00
TSV Amicitia Viernheim 7:0
FV Löchgau
TSV Amicitia Viernheim   FV Löchgau

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Stefanie Schuster Stefanie Schuster
Coach, 38 years
36 01.12.2015 - vereinslos to player profile
Volker Hornung Volker Hornung
Team official, 56 years
54 - - FV Löchgau -