FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost Germany - Württembergischer Fußball-Verband

 Oberliga Baden-Württemberg   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Julia Müller Julia Müller
Goalkeeper, 25 years
Germany SV Leingarten
Gina Krimmel Gina Krimmel
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Giulia Titze Giulia Titze
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Madeleine Theil Madeleine Theil
Defence, 20 years
Germany SV Hoffeld
Isabel Janischowsky Isabel Janischowsky
Defence, 24 years
Poland FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Magdalena Kraft Magdalena Kraft
Defence, 26 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Catharina Schwägler Catharina Schwägler
Defence, 30 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Johanna Brandtner Johanna Brandtner
Defence, 23 years
FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Sallie Buhr Sallie Buhr
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Maike Bendfeld Maike Bendfeld
Midfield, 29 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Amelie Schwahn Amelie Schwahn
Midfield, 20 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Lia Kayser Lia Kayser
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Hannah Pocesny Hannah Pocesny
Midfield, 18 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Leonie Müller Leonie Müller
Midfield, 17 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Eva Haasis Eva Haasis
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Saskia Kazmaier Saskia Kazmaier
Midfield, 23 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Isabel Schlipf Isabel Schlipf
Midfield, 25 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Annalisa Marcantonio Annalisa Marcantonio
Midfield, 19 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Lisa Kröper Lisa Kröper
Midfield, 26 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Kathrin Keubler Kathrin Keubler
Midfield -
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Melisa Vural Melisa Vural
Midfield, 27 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Selina Zürn Selina Zürn
Midfield, 32 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Kinga Schmitt Kinga Schmitt
Midfield, 18 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Svenja Jörg Svenja Jörg
Striker, 19 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Yvonne Stecher Yvonne Stecher
Germany TSV Ottmarsheim
Annika Meßner Annika Meßner
Striker, 21 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Malin Frisch Malin Frisch
Striker, 22 years
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost
Franka Zimmerer Franka Zimmerer
Germany FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost

Foreign players: 1 (3,6 %)

Oberliga Baden-Württemberg 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- 1. FC Heidenheim 1846 7 19 14
- VfL Herrenberg 8 17 14
- FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost 8 17 9
- 1. FC Mühlhausen 8 15 9
- TSV Neuenstein 8 14 9

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Lisa Kröper Lisa Kröper
Midfield, 26 years
6 Goals
Maike Bendfeld Maike Bendfeld
Midfield, 29 years
3 Goals
Kinga Schmitt Kinga Schmitt
Midfield, 18 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Oberliga Baden-Württemberg - 1. Match day
15.09.24 - 14:00
FSV Waldebene 1:0
FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost   FC Freiburg-St. Georgen

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Lena Mowlai Lena Mowlai
Coach, ?
- 01.07.2022 - FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost to player profile