FK Rostow Russia



The age of the players and the staff is referring to 15.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FK Rostow in the season 2024

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Ekaterina Ulasevich Ekaterina Ulasevich
Goalkeeper (TW), 34 years
Russia FK Rostow
Yulia Chernyshova Yulia Chernyshova
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Russia FK Rostow
Kristina Osmolovskaya Kristina Osmolovskaya
Defence (IV), 25 years
Belarus vereinslos
Anastasia Karandashova Anastasia Karandashova
Defence (ZM), 30 years
Russia FK Rostow
Liana Ghazaryan Liana Ghazaryan
Defence, 25 years
Armenia FK Rostow
Lilia Mysnikova Lilia Mysnikova
Defence (RV), 29 years
Russia FK Rostow
Olga Pestereva Olga Pestereva
Defence (LV), 23 years
Russia FK Rostow
Nadezhda Koltakova Nadezhda Koltakova
Defence (IV), 32 years
Russia FK Dynamo Moskau
Kristina Golostchekova Kristina Golostchekova
Defence (IV), 21 years
Russia FK Rostow U21
Anna Stipan Anna Stipan
Defence, 28 years
Russia FK Rostow
Alina Komarova Alina Komarova
Defence, 20 years
Russia FK Rostow
Inna Novikova Inna Novikova
Defence, 23 years
Russia FK Rostow
Viktoriya Dergousova Viktoriya Dergousova
Midfield (OM), 24 years
Russia FK Rostow
Anna Dallakyan Anna Dallakyan
Midfield, 23 years
Armenia FK Rostow
Asya Turieva Asya Turieva
Midfield (LM), 32 years
Russia Krylja Sowetow Samara
Tatyana Krasnova Tatyana Krasnova
Midfield, 29 years
Belarus FK Rostow
Marina Kachmazova Marina Kachmazova
Midfield, 33 years
Russia vereinslos
Anastasia Shalimova Anastasia Shalimova
Midfield, 23 years
Russia FK Rostow
Ekaterina Dudko Ekaterina Dudko
Striker, 33 years
Belarus FK Rostow
Valeriya Yaretzkaya Valeriya Yaretzkaya
Striker, 22 years
Ukraine FK Rostow
Anna Pavlova Anna Pavlova
Striker (MS), 19 years
Russia FK Rostow
Vitalina Rodionenko Vitalina Rodionenko
Striker, 20 years
Russia FK Rostow
Svetlana Vinnikova Svetlana Vinnikova
Striker, 19 years
Russia FK Rostow

Foreign players: 6 (26,1 %)

Superliga 2024

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Lokomotive Moskau 1 0 -1
- Zvezda-2005 Perm 1 0 -2
10  - FK Rostow 1 0 -3
11  - FK Yenisey Krasnoyarsk 1 0 -4
12  - Ryazan-VDV 1 0 -4

Other 2024

Top 3 Goal scorers
Tatyana Krasnova Tatyana Krasnova
Midfield, 29 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2024

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2024

Back Matches Next
Superliga - 1. Match day
08.03.25 - 13:00
FK Dynamo Moskau 4:1
FK Rostow
FK Dynamo Moskau   FK Rostow

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Yana Chub Yana Chub
Coach, 35 years
35 18.07.2024 - FK Rostow to player profile