FK Austria Wien Austria - Wiener Fußballverband

 Frauen Bundesliga   Frauen Bundesliga Meistergruppe   ÖFB Frauen Cup   
 Young Violets Austria Wien   FK Austria Wien U19   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 29.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FK Austria Wien in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Larissa Haidner Larissa Haidner
Goalkeeper (TW), 20 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Emma Eichberger Emma Eichberger
Goalkeeper, 18 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Nadine Hinterberger Nadine Hinterberger
Goalkeeper, 22 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Louise Schöffel Louise Schöffel
Defence, 23 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Yasmin Fellner Yasmin Fellner
Defence, 18 years
Austria FAC - USC Landhaus
Katharina Schiechtl Katharina Schiechtl
Defence, 32 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Virginia Kirchberger Virginia Kirchberger
Defence (IV), 31 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Florentina Satra Florentina Satra
Defence, 19 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Sophie Rapf Sophie Rapf
Defence, 18 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Alexandra Wölkart Alexandra Wölkart
Defence, 18 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Carina Wenninger Carina Wenninger
Defence (IV), 34 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Anna Schorn Anna Schorn
Defence, 20 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Katharina Moser Katharina Moser
Midfield, 16 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Lívia Múčková Lívia Múčková
Midfield (DM), 21 years
Slovakia Soroksár SC
Stefanie Schneeberger Stefanie Schneeberger
Midfield, 24 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Lena Nindl Lena Nindl
Midfield, 17 years
Austria vereinslos
Lena Triendl Lena Triendl
Midfield, 25 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Dominique Bruinenberg Dominique Bruinenberg
Midfield, 32 years
Netherlands FK Austria Wien
Yvonne Weilharter Yvonne Weilharter
Midfield, 24 years
Austria FK Austria Wien
Jacqueline Hajek Jacqueline Hajek
Midfield, 20 years
Austria FSG Traiskirchen
Antea Batarilo Antea Batarilo
Midfield, 19 years
FK Austria Wien
Alisa Ziletkina Alisa Ziletkina
Striker, 18 years
FK Austria Wien
Verena Volkmer Verena Volkmer
Striker -, 29 years
Germany FK Austria Wien
Emily Schäfer Emily Schäfer
Striker, 16 years
FK Austria Wien

Foreign players: 4 (16,7 %)

Frauen Bundesliga 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- SKN St. Pölten 18 45 45
- FK Austria Wien 18 40 36
- First Vienna FC 1894 18 33 8
- SK Sturm Graz 18 31 8
- SCR Altach 18 22 -7

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Verena Volkmer Verena Volkmer
Striker, 29 years
14 Goals
Lena Triendl Lena Triendl
Midfield, 25 years
6 Goals
Dominique Bruinenberg Dominique Bruinenberg
Midfield, 32 years
4 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
ÖFB Frauen Cup quarter-finals

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Frauen Bundesliga Meistergruppe - 23. Match day
FK Austria Wien :
First Vienna FC 1894
FK Austria Wien   First Vienna FC 1894

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Stefan Kenesei Stefan Kenesei
Coach, 39 years
39 09.01.2023 - FK Austria Wien -
Georg Konstandeas Georg Konstandeas
Assistant coach, 33 years
33 09.01.2023 - FK Austria Wien -
Maximilian Paukner Maximilian Paukner
Goalkeeping coach, 28 years
28 01.07.2024 - Young Violets Austria Wien -
Niklas Pichler Niklas Pichler
Team Manager, 23 years
23 15.03.2024 - FK Austria Wien -
Lisa Makas Lisa Makas
Athletic supervisor, 32 years
32 23.12.2022 - FK Austria Wien to player profile
Sebastian Starek Sebastian Starek
Team Manager, 28 years
28 12.01.2023 09.09.2024 vereinslos -
Sarah Honsak Sarah Honsak
Athletic supervisor, 31 years
31 25.12.2022 - FK Austria Wien -
Violetta Herunter Violetta Herunter
Physiotherapist, ?
- 05.05.2024 - FK Austria Wien -
Clemens Reisner Clemens Reisner
Physiotherapist, ?
- 17.05.2024 - FK Austria Wien -
Alina Waldecker Alina Waldecker
Physiotherapist, 28 years
28 05.05.2024 - FK Austria Wien to player profile
Mauro Vasile Mauro Vasile
Sports scientist, 27 years
27 12.01.2023 - FK Austria Wien -