FFC Vorderland Austria - Vorarlberger Fußballverband


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2018.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FFC Vorderland in the season 2017/2018

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Nathalie Bachmeier Nathalie Bachmeier
Goalkeeper, 17 years
Austria Union LUV Graz
Sarah Traxl Sarah Traxl
Goalkeeper, 22 years
Austria FFC Vorderland
Jasmine Kirchmann Jasmine Kirchmann
Defence (IV), 27 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Selina Gmeiner Selina Gmeiner
Defence, 18 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Yaribeth Ulacio Yaribeth Ulacio
Defence, 25 years
Venezuela Atlético Junior
Melanie Mähr Melanie Mähr
Defence, 21 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1b
Anna Heinzle Anna Heinzle
Defence, 27 years
Austria Karriereende
Sandra Vonier Sandra Vonier
Defence, 31 years
Austria Karriereende
Veronika Vonbrül Veronika Vonbrül
Defence, 23 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Petra Mitter Petra Mitter
Defence, 26 years
Austria SC Brunn/Geb.
Verena Müller Verena Müller
Defence -, 22 years
Austria Karriereende
Laura Metzler Laura Metzler
Defence, 22 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1b
Laura Petrić Laura Petrić
Defence, 18 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Elke Sperger Elke Sperger
Defence, 46 years
Austria Karriereende
Anja Schäfler Anja Schäfler
Defence, 23 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1b
Jennifer Heubusch Jennifer Heubusch
Defence, 28 years
Austria FFC Vorderland 1b
Bettina Egender Bettina Egender
Midfield, 26 years
Austria Karriereende
Zeljka Sipura Zeljka Sipura
Midfield, 27 years
FFC Vorderland 1b
Anna Bereuter Anna Bereuter
Midfield (DM), 16 years
Austria SCR Altach
Katharina Rauch Katharina Rauch
Midfield, 19 years
Austria FFC Vorderland
Jacqueline Vonbrül Jacqueline Vonbrül
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Melanie Pomberger Melanie Pomberger
Austria FFC Vorderland 1c
Annalena Wucher Annalena Wucher
Midfield, 18 years
Austria First Vienna FC 1894
Sarah Schneider Sarah Schneider
Midfield, 27 years
Germany pausiert
Sheila Sánchez Sheila Sánchez
Midfield, 23 years
Spain vereinslos
Sarah Sperger Sarah Sperger
Midfield, 20 years
Vorwärts Spoho Köln II
Hanna Weiss Hanna Weiss
Midfield, 22 years
Austria Karriereende
Valentina Steiner Valentina Steiner
Midfield, 29 years
Austria Karriereende
Michelle Knapp Michelle Knapp
Midfield, 24 years
Austria Karriereende
Fabienne Hofer Fabienne Hofer
Striker, 19 years
Austria Karriereende
Jana Sachs Jana Sachs
Striker, 17 years
Austria SPG FC Lustenau / FC Dornbirn Ladies
Ysaura Viso Ysaura Viso
Striker, 24 years
Venezuela vereinslos
Sabrina Lerchbaumer Sabrina Lerchbaumer
Austria Karriereende
Kathrin Enzenhofer Kathrin Enzenhofer
Striker, 21 years
Austria pausiert
Jasmin Grill Jasmin Grill
Striker, 23 years
Austria Karriereende
Melanie Cola Melanie Cola
Striker, 32 years
Switzerland FFC Vorderland 1b
Sandra Malin Sandra Malin
Striker, 19 years
Austria Karriereende

Foreign players: 6 (16,2 %)

Frauen Bundesliga 2017/2018

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- SKV Altenmarkt 18 21 -10
- FC Bergheim 18 19 -12
- FFC Vorderland 18 18 -23
- FC Südburgenland 18 14 -45
10  - Union LUV Graz 18 5 -39

Other 2017/2018

Top 3 Goal scorers
Sheila Sánchez Sheila Sánchez
Midfield, 30 years
2 Goals
Veronika Vonbrül Veronika Vonbrül
Defence, 30 years
2 Goals
Sarah Sperger Sarah Sperger
Midfield, 27 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2017/2018

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2017/2018

Back Matches Next
Frauen Bundesliga - 1. Match day
20.08.17 - 11:00
FFC Vorderland 0:5
SKN St. Pölten
FFC Vorderland   SKN St. Pölten

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Bernhard Summer Bernhard Summer
Coach, 57 years
50 01.07.2015 30.06.2019 vereinslos -
Valentina Steiner Valentina Steiner
Assistant coach, 36 years
29 06.07.2017 30.06.2019 vereinslos to player profile