Femina Kickers Worb Switzerland - Fussballverband Bern/Jura


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2019.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Femina Kickers Worb in the season 2018/2019

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Elena Lanfranconi Elena Lanfranconi
Goalkeeper, 20 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Carmen Baumann Carmen Baumann
Goalkeeper, 28 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Murielle Chassot Murielle Chassot
Goalkeeper, 22 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Marina Mäusli Marina Mäusli
Goalkeeper, 28 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb II
Johanna Brügger Johanna Brügger
Goalkeeper, 31 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Jasmin Kernen Jasmin Kernen
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Naomi Bünger Naomi Bünger
Defence, 23 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Fabienne Flückiger Fabienne Flückiger
Defence, 27 years
Switzerland FC Biel-Bienne 1896
Janine Stucki Janine Stucki
Defence, 29 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Martina Suter Martina Suter
Defence -, 26 years
Switzerland FC Courgevaux
Simone Hofer Simone Hofer
Midfield, 32 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Deborah Caggia Deborah Caggia
Midfield, 17 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Lara Keller Lara Keller
Midfield, 16 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Anja Furger Anja Furger
Midfield, 23 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Nina Schneider Nina Schneider
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland
Andrea Morger Andrea Morger
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Ostermundigen
Carina Bazzi Carina Bazzi
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Grosshöchstetten-Schlosswil
Cinzia Di Pasquale Cinzia Di Pasquale
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Ylenia Schneuwly Ylenia Schneuwly
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland pausiert
Katrin Glarner Katrin Glarner
Midfield, 26 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Gioia Hirt Gioia Hirt
Midfield, 30 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Adriana Mathys Adriana Mathys
Midfield, 30 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Sarina Schenkel Sarina Schenkel
Midfield (LV), 25 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Aline Guillet Aline Guillet
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland Femina Kickers Worb
Juliette Gutmann Juliette Gutmann
Striker (TW), 20 years
Switzerland FC Vuisternens/Mézières
Elena van Niekerk Elena van Niekerk
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur


Nationalliga B 2018/2019

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland 27 55 43
- FC Zürich U21 (-2024) 27 53 45
- Femina Kickers Worb 27 47 8
- FC Aarau Frauen 27 39 1
- SC Derendingen 27 37 8

Other 2018/2019

Top 3 Goal scorers
Elena van Niekerk Elena van Niekerk
Striker, 27 years
18 Goals
Anja Furger Anja Furger
Midfield, 29 years
8 Goals
Aline Guillet Aline Guillet
Striker, 26 years
8 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2018/2019

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup last 16

Matches 2018/2019

Back Matches Next
Schweizer Cup - 1st round
11.08.18 - 18:30
FC Aire-le-Lignon 0:13
Femina Kickers Worb
FC Aire-le-Lignon   Femina Kickers Worb

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Marcello Conti Marcello Conti
Coach, 49 years
43 01.07.2016 28.10.2020 vereinslos -