FC Winterthur Switzerland

 Nationalliga B   Schweizer Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 20.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Winterthur in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Romina Furrer Romina Furrer
Goalkeeper, 24 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Alessandra Malacarne Alessandra Malacarne
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Sophia Hürlimann Sophia Hürlimann
Defence, 20 years
Liechtenstein FC Winterthur
Lea Fuchs Lea Fuchs
Defence, 30 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Karin Mönch Karin Mönch
Defence, 27 years
Switzerland unbekannt
Nayelli Baumgartner Nayelli Baumgartner
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland FC Effretikon
Laura Schläfli Laura Schläfli
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Jamie-Lee von Allmen Jamie-Lee von Allmen
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Cinderella Fuchs Cinderella Fuchs
Midfield, 23 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Michelle Hofmann Michelle Hofmann
Midfield, 26 years
Switzerland Karriereende
Nuria Lanzicher Nuria Lanzicher
Midfield, 26 years
Switzerland FC Blue Stars Zürich
Seraina Kaufmann Seraina Kaufmann
Striker (LM), 21 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Blerina Krasniqi Blerina Krasniqi
Striker, 22 years
Kosovo FC Wiedikon ZH
Toja Rauch Toja Rauch
Striker, 30 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur

Foreign players: 2 (14,3 %)

Transfer balance sheet 2020/2021

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 2nd round

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Adrienne Krysl Adrienne Krysl
Coach, 37 years
33 01.07.2016 30.06.2023 Liechtenstein to player profile