FC Solothurn Frauen Switzerland

 Nationalliga B   Schweizer Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 17.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Solothurn Frauen in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Fabienne Saladin Fabienne Saladin
Goalkeeper, 19 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Kawtar Boukhris Kawtar Boukhris
Goalkeeper, 17 years
Morocco FC Solothurn Frauen
Sina Siepe Sina Siepe
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Chana Jaquier Chana Jaquier
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Julia Zaugg Julia Zaugg
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Annika Meyer Annika Meyer
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Lara Friederich Lara Friederich
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Nina Adam Nina Adam
Defence, 20 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Katrin Suter Katrin Suter
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Anna Geiser Anna Geiser
Defence, 23 years
Switzerland FC Schlieren
Roberta Guggenbühl Roberta Guggenbühl
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Vanessa Kley Vanessa Kley
Defence, 27 years
FC Solothurn Frauen
Fabienne Kull Fabienne Kull
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Noemi Gillmann Noemi Gillmann
Defence, 28 years
FC Solothurn Frauen
Julia Steiner Julia Steiner
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Sara Garcia de Pablos Sara Garcia de Pablos
Midfield, 32 years
Spain FC Solothurn Frauen
Vivienne Hardiman Vivienne Hardiman
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Ariola Vllasalli Ariola Vllasalli
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Yolanda von Rotz Yolanda von Rotz
Midfield, 26 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Selin Wegmüller Selin Wegmüller
Midfield, 27 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Claudia Budimir Claudia Budimir
Midfield, 25 years
Croatia FC Solothurn Frauen
Carla Hager Carla Hager
Midfield, 28 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Anja Gust Anja Gust
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Svenja Zengaffinen Svenja Zengaffinen
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Sarina Grieder Sarina Grieder
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Larissa Cremona Larissa Cremona
Striker, 23 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Sophie Bohner Sophie Bohner
Striker, 22 years
FC Solothurn Frauen
Diana Delolli Diana Delolli
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Laura Imoberdorf Laura Imoberdorf
Striker, 22 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Lina Schläfli Lina Schläfli
Striker, 22 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen
Shayen Graf Shayen Graf
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland FC Solothurn Frauen

Foreign players: 3 (9,7 %)

Nationalliga B 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- FC Winterthur 15 19 1
- FC Oerlikon/Polizei ZH 14 15 -2
- FC Wil 1900 15 15 -5
- FC Solothurn Frauen 15 15 -8
10  - FC Lugano 15 12 -14

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Yolanda von Rotz Yolanda von Rotz
Midfield, 26 years
5 Goals
Anna Geiser Anna Geiser
Defence, 23 years
4 Goals
Sophie Bohner Sophie Bohner
Striker, 22 years
3 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 2nd round

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga B - 1. Match day
10.08.24 - 18:15
FC Solothurn Frauen 1:3
FC Küssnacht a/R
FC Solothurn Frauen   FC Küssnacht a/R

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Reto Gutschier Reto Gutschier
Coach, 38 years
38 01.07.2024 - FC Solothurn Frauen -
Patrick Anderegg Patrick Anderegg
Assistant coach, 56 years
56 01.07.2021 - FC Solothurn Frauen -