FC Sion Switzerland - Association Valaisanne de Football

 Nationalliga B   Schweizer Cup   
 FC Sion II   FC Sion U19   FC Sion U18   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 20.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Sion in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Gilliane Roch Gilliane Roch
Goalkeeper (TW), 20 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Elise Rebord Elise Rebord
Switzerland FC Sion
Louann Rithner Louann Rithner
Goalkeeper, 22 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Camille Pecharman Camille Pecharman
Goalkeeper (TW), 26 years
France FC Sion
Marine Droz Marine Droz
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Matilde Figueiras Matilde Figueiras
Defence (IV), 28 years
Portugal FC Sion
Giulia Poli Giulia Poli
Defence, 16 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Maëlle Antoniazzi Maëlle Antoniazzi
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Stella Spennato Stella Spennato
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Sara Rocha Botelho Sara Rocha Botelho
Defence, 18 years
Portugal FC Sion
Diana Ferreira Diana Ferreira
Defence, 29 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Jessica Riva Jessica Riva
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Laetitia Conus Laetitia Conus
Defence, 27 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Liza Maria Berchtold Liza Maria Berchtold
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Laura Constantin Laura Constantin
Defence, 19 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Tatiana Dumauthioz Tatiana Dumauthioz
Defence -, 22 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Léa Gay Crosier Léa Gay Crosier
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Emilie Délèze Emilie Délèze
Midfield, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Elena Aristodimou Elena Aristodimou
Midfield (OM), 23 years
Cyprus FC Sion
Sarah Kieffer Sarah Kieffer
Midfield, 16 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Giulia Chiarinotti Giulia Chiarinotti
Midfield, 26 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Alyssa Grivaz Alyssa Grivaz
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Audrey Rossier Audrey Rossier
Midfield, 21 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Alyssa Burnier Alyssa Burnier
Midfield, 19 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Maeva Fontannaz Maeva Fontannaz
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Fanny Jordan Fanny Jordan
Midfield, 27 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Lina Boujar Lina Boujar
Midfield, 19 years
France FC Sion
Coralie Tommasi Coralie Tommasi
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Danai Kaldaridou Danai Kaldaridou
Midfield, 27 years
FC Sion
Elisabeth Diakite Elisabeth Diakite
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Zari Christen Zari Christen
Striker, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Filomena Tuia Filomena Tuia
Striker, 25 years
Portugal FC Sion
Aleksandra Yaneva Aleksandra Yaneva
Striker, 24 years
Bulgaria FC Sion
Charlène Arlettaz Charlène Arlettaz
Striker, 25 years
Switzerland FC Sion
Inès Aymon Inès Aymon
Striker, 22 years
Switzerland FC Sion

Foreign players: 8 (22,9 %)

Nationalliga B 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Etoile Carouge FC 16 31 0
- FC Winterthur 16 22 4
- FC Sion 15 22 -3
- FC Küssnacht a/R 16 21 -4
- FC Wil 1900 16 15 -8

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Aleksandra Yaneva Aleksandra Yaneva
Striker, 24 years
5 Goals
Maeva Fontannaz Maeva Fontannaz
Midfield, 20 years
4 Goals
Elena Aristodimou Elena Aristodimou
Midfield, 23 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 2nd round

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga B - 1. Match day
10.08.24 - 19:00
FC Sion 3:0
FC Lugano
FC Sion   FC Lugano

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Eric Sévérac Eric Sévérac
Coach, 54 years
54 01.07.2024 16.10.2024 FC Sion -
José Casas José Casas
Coach, ?
- 06.03.2024 30.06.2024 vereinslos -